Rapid transport Pharr TX

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Mbnpro, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. Mbnpro

    Mbnpro Bobtail Member

    Jun 27, 2021
    McAllen TX
    I will make it as short and direct as possible. This company is one of the worst carriers I have ever seen and worked for. They have really nice trucks and trailers. Great maintenance team and good safety scores. But the inside of the office is a totally different story. as I’ve said, I’m keeping it short and direct as possible. Worked for this company for four months. Signed on with them the end of October 2023. Thanksgiving week, they stranded me in Pennsylvania for four days over Thanksgiving with no layover pay no nothing. If you send a message on the computer, they will not answer you. in fact, 99% of the time they will not answer any messages. If there’s any information that you would need to know in reference to a load, they will not give it to you. They send you one message over the computer with basic details and that’s it. Any dealings with brokers they expect you to handle. They set up delivery times on loads for whenever they think it should be delivered and not inform the driver. They constantly threaten you with fees from missed pick ups or deliveries. if there’s any lumper fees, they expect you to pay it out of your own pocket because they don’t have any type of dispatch after 5 PM. If the truck needs def, you’re expected to pay for it out of your own pocket when you get back to the yard they reimburse you. They change the fuel list continuously, but refuse to let the drivers know there’s an updated list. And you’re only allowed to get a certain amount of gallons which is really stupid. They offer quick pay but by the time that’s done it’ll take up to four days for you to get paid. So that’s completely useless. They claimed they offer health insurance on their website. Not true. They have outside entities that come in and offer you high cost low coverage insurance. 401(k), no, vacation pay no, days off no. Dispatch team very unfriendly and fake. Safety department is just completely ignorant. When I gave my notice, and then came back home to do a 34 hour, they put a load on me and never told me. They were trying to catch me in a quit while under load scenario but I didn’t fall for it. While I worked my last week for them, they harassed me, wanting to know why the load was late. I told them I had already been communicating with the dispatchers. That wasn’t good enough. They attempted to get me to abandon the equipment with the arguments and gaslighting I didn’t fall for it. This company has a history of very high turnover and now we know why.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
    Reason for edit: Corrected spelling
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  3. drivingmissdaisy

    drivingmissdaisy Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    And one review says this is a 1099 company. Were you 1099?
  4. Mbnpro

    Mbnpro Bobtail Member

    Jun 27, 2021
    McAllen TX
    No it’s w2. I think at one time they were doing lease purchase on those trucks.
  5. Eddiec

    Eddiec Road Train Member

    Feb 2, 2015
    Why did you go with a company that offers no benefits, no paid time off, charges you fee's, and expects you to pay out of your pocket for operating costs?
  6. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Was he even there long enough to get all the benefits lol....I'm actually surprised to read his synopsis of Rapid Transport. They do have some nice equipment. I think I saw one pulling a flatbed the other day. I sometimes get them mixed up with that other company Rapid Response but the latter is out of Missouri I think.
    Flat Earth Trucker Thanks this.
  7. Mbnpro

    Mbnpro Bobtail Member

    Jun 27, 2021
    McAllen TX
    it was the last quarter of the year. In South Texas all the drivers down here that were working for yellow were applying to all the local jobs. There was such an influx of drivers down here that they just flat out stopped hiring. I took the job to pay bills until something better comes along. Also went with them because of the equipment and their CSA scores. But the stuff that I posted is stuff you’re not supposed to know about. That’s why I posted it
  8. drivingmissdaisy

    drivingmissdaisy Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    Sounds to me like with the huge influx of drivers needing jobs, things went downhill quickly. "Supply and demand" of labor.
  9. Mbnpro

    Mbnpro Bobtail Member

    Jun 27, 2021
    McAllen TX
    Yea it was really bad here. Every time a job posted in south Texas, there would be 160 applications posted per job. And they don’t care how many yrs experience you have, they just don’t reply.
  10. Eddiec

    Eddiec Road Train Member

    Feb 2, 2015
    I get that you had to do what you have to do. But any company driver job that will not reveal charge backs, whether or not they offer benefits, PTO time, bonuses, accessorial pays, prior to accepting a position and showing up for orientation is a huge red flag and they should be removed from consideration.
    Mbnpro Thanks this.
  11. Mbnpro

    Mbnpro Bobtail Member

    Jun 27, 2021
    McAllen TX
    Yeah, no doubt. I totally agree with you.
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