Re: Legslation To Provide Truckers Tax Credit For Hotels:

Discussion in 'Trucking Industry Regulations' started by Powell-Peralta, Dec 23, 2007.

  1. Powell-Peralta

    Powell-Peralta Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Keeping in mind that there is a clear shortage of parking as proven by government studies, what do you feel are the chances that legislation could be approved that would allow truck drivers tax credits for sleeping in hotels?

    Please explain fully.
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  3. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007

    Do you have a link for this?
  4. Powell-Peralta

    Powell-Peralta Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    No, i dont have a link; it's an idea (a good idea, i think) that i've come up with because of several valid reasons:

    a) there is a clear safety issue if there are a shortage of parking spaces.

    b) there are some states giving tax credits to owners of class 8 vehicles if they purchase an APU unit up to a certain dollar amount, which really is more of a deduction since, i believe, the credit amount does not equal the actual cost of the APU. But anyways, it is a start. i think new jersey is one of the states.

    c) if one were to purchase certain hybrid vechicles i.e., Toyoto Prius, i believe this makes one eligible for a tax credit, not deduction. The rationale behind this decision was based on reducing pollution. Therefore, i feel, we can make a case for safety with hotels. The logic behind it is that hotels will provide additional and logical places to park.
    The strange part about the hybrid tax credit is that it only applies to certain brand vehicles, not all brands.
  5. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007

    A) Yes, there are shortage of parking places. It depends where in the country you are. However, have you ever looked at the motels and thought whether a truck can even get in there? Most are not possible for one truck. Now, the driver cannot keep an eye on the refer or the load if he has to park in a truck stop and taxi to the motel.

    B) Tax credits are never the same as deductions. The tax credit will not equal the value of the item spent. It is a credit toward the tax that is due. Usually based on a percent of the item bought based on the lowest tax bracket.

    C) No relevance to the trucker.

    Now as far as your thoughts, it is a thought. However, most truckers are not going to work and make 200.00 a day, spend 40 a day on food, then 40-60 for a room. They will go broke.
  6. newbiewannadoitright

    newbiewannadoitright "Right Wing Nut Job"

    Sep 26, 2007
    Cajun Land
    Don't know many drivers that stay in hotels, tax credit or not. Unless the company pays or you're on some time off or break-down time. The guys I know, and when I was traveling alot in the bus, it was always pull in somewhere, park and bed down. Maybe grab a quick shower, meal and go. Sometimes it's hard to find parking at or near a hotel for a big vehicle, especially a tractor trailer, but bad enough for a 48 foot tour bus. I think it would probably be best if the companies and O/O's were given BIG credits or write off's for APU's mounted on the truck, truckers given a write-off or credit for Idle-Air or alternate power gear. I think anything such as battery packs, inverters, etc, should be a full credit, because the power is comming from a generated source and doesn't burn exta fuel.. If I use a lunchbox cooker going down the road for instance, I am using the power that is already being generated by the driving. If a use a light and my laptop on the battery through the inverter, I'm not burning fuel. This in itself MAY encourage companies to install APU's and inverters with tax breaks as a bonus.
  7. BearGator56

    BearGator56 "The G stands for GOOD!"

    Apr 11, 2006
    Orlando, FL
    If it's a business expense, it's already an allowable deduction.
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