recent grad any one know who is Hiring right now

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by trucking777, Apr 16, 2024.

  1. trucking777

    trucking777 Bobtail Member

    Sep 19, 2023
    thank you for that reply
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2024
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  3. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    0 you just completely missed the most important part of what I was posting.

    Before I go any farther, OP worked at Swift. That didn't work out for him. I'm not so sure he hasn't been turned down by some of the other beginner companies. Now all of those companies you just mentioned, some will argue that they are bottom feeder companies. They all have a bad review somewhere on this internet. I guarantee it. I'm so glad that you think those are better companies. Let me ask you this: how do you truly know if they are better companies? Did you work at any of them? I've came across drivers who loved all of those companies, and others that hated those companies. What makes those companies aby better? Newsflash: all of these companies are pretty much the same at their core.

    Also, I'm glad that you know someone who made decent money at Prime Inc. My name is Bryan. I worked for Western, and believe it or not, I made good money there as a beginner. Difference was, I was on the flatbed side. Every company has drivers that do well, and drivers that stink it up.

    I'll say it one more time.....if a rookie keep his head down, run the miles, do what's asked of him, hone his skills, get experience and most of all, not listen to drivers like yourself who job shame drivers for working at certain companies, he will have a greater chance at having a better experience and lasting longer in the industry.
    slim shady and Chinatown Thank this.
  4. BlackjackCo

    BlackjackCo Bobtail Member

    Mar 29, 2024
    Scott Jackson in Jerome, Idaho is looking for commodity (belt trailer usually) and hay (flat beds, doubles or triples likely) according to a sign posted at Scoular where I loaded today.
  5. JSanborn103

    JSanborn103 Medium Load Member

    Jan 20, 2021
    When did you work for western?
  6. TNSquire

    TNSquire Medium Load Member

    Oct 13, 2016
    Decatur, TN
    The current market state is horrible, and getting started is the first step.
    Does it suck? Absolutely.
    So does McDonald’s.
    Neither is intended to be a lifetime commitment, merely a stepping stone to where you want to go.
    We all gotta start somewhere, and seat time is what opus needs. He’s got a shiny new cdl and no experience.
    Seat time is the only way to get experience.
    Better to get that experience and be underpaid than no experience.
    Even with 3 months, more doors open for better opportunities.
    You can’t win if you don’t play.
    lual Thanks this.
  7. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    I worked there back in 2010, and it was the same exact complaints. The same types of reviews existed back then. Every company had bad reviews. I didn't have a bad experience with them. It was difficult to get home sometimes, but outside of that, it was good. I made good consistent money with them. I ran a lot of cross country loads. They gave me all the miles I could handle, and quite frankly, my trainer made a driver out of me. I drove everyday, day or night with him. He was difficult to deal with at times, but he made a driver out of me. He told me it's all about what you put into it. The lone difference was that I was on paper logs then, and Western was outlaw as hell back then. Creative logging was sometimes encouraged by dispatch, they didn't outwardly say it, you just had to be smart enough to read between the lines. Another guy that was in my orientation class told to stay out of truck stops. He had came over from Arrow Trucking. They had just gone belly up right when I started and stranded drivers everywhere around the country. Western was willing to take all their drivers, or at least as many as they could. That fella told me stay out of truck stops because too many truckers are negative and it can sour my experience out here. I'd say he's probably right. That negativity rubs off on new drivers and I'm not so sure that doesn't contribute to them leaving the industry too soon. Maybe I got lucky then. I got really good advice from different drivers during my time there, and it's made me an asset to my current company now. It surely wasn't the best job but it was a great stepping stone because I kept my had down, ran the miles, and did what was asked of me.
    Jamie01, REO6205 and Chinatown Thank this.
  8. trucking777

    trucking777 Bobtail Member

    Sep 19, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2024
  9. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    That guy is being a diva. It happens. Western Express is not the only company that has had that issue. It's happened to me at other companies. Also, Western is headquartered in Nashville. Part of doing a pretrip is checking the registration. Had he done that, he could have got that squared away before going to Maryland. At that point, it ain't much that can be done til that trailer gets back to Nashville. All he has to do is let them know that the registration and plate don't match and it's fixed. That type of violation is no biggie. Plates fall off all the time. You'll see trucks with paper work taped to the windshield while they wait for the paperwork to process. Dude being inexperienced, he's gonna think that's a big deal. He's also not going yo think to check the paperwork. Most vets, including myself forget. I'm not saying that Western is the number one best company, I'm only saying that issue happens to every company. If that's the worst violation he gets in his trucking career, you live with it. I certainly would.
  10. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    We don't care where you go to work. We just want you to go get some experience by any means necessary and stop posting threads asking the same question. You've had your license for quite sometime and the time you've spent posting threads, you could have got some time behind the wheel. You do what you gotta do to advance your life. The journey isn't always gonna be roses. You went to Swift and got left at the truck stop by your trainer. For them to not even get you back to one of their million and one terminals and get you home, that may or may not be telling of who you are. I think you need some self examination before you get in anyone's truck.
    REO6205 Thanks this.
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