Record of Allowable Gross Weight

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Husky101, Jul 22, 2024.

  1. Husky101

    Husky101 Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2024
    We just started out with a tri-axle dump truck in Ontario. The Allowable Gross Weight is listed on the Registration of the vehicle. This new company says I need to have a "Record of Allowable Gross Weight" in the truck for the MTO but I can't find the form online anywhere. We've called the MTO and they haven't heard of it but they weren't much help The form he showed as an example was from 2022. Does anybody know what this would be?
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  3. Ex-Trucker Alex

    Ex-Trucker Alex Heavy Load Member

    Jan 7, 2023
    My understanding (from 30 years ago) was that 10 metric tons per drive/load axle, with a 2m spread, and something like 7 metric tons per steer axle with single-wides, 10 tons with supers. I'm certain that axles closer than 2m together are rated a bit lower. Don't you get a GVWR? If your drives have the "Canadian spread" and your drop is either a tandem or a super and your steer is a super, probably 40 metric tons. If your drives are closer, maybe 4 tons less? Subtract 3 tons if the steer is a single?
  4. BLBurton

    BLBurton Light Load Member

    Nov 3, 2022
    Never heard of it before but I found this regarding "MTO Standard Form SR-E-121". Perhaps call the MTO and ask for a form SR-E-121?

    Vehicles hauling Materials shall be accompanied by an Owner standard form SR-E-121, Record of Allowable Gross Weight certificate. The legal limit shall be the vehicle's registered gross weight or the allowable gross weight, whichever is less. The Contractor shall ensure that a copy of the Record of Allowable Gross Weight form is left with the weigh person for Owner use.
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