Recruiting questions

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Trucking in Tennessee, Aug 5, 2018.

  1. Trucking in Tennessee

    Trucking in Tennessee Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2018
    This is a checklist of things to discuss with a recruiter. You may or may not get them in writing.

    How much do I get per mile?
    Miles can be paid 3 ways. Household miles-the cheapest. Practical miles- second best. Hub miles-what you actually drive.

    Per diem: Some places pay a percent of miles this way. Nothing wrong with it, and saves you money on taxes. 25% of my miles are paid that way.

    Detention pay.
    Time you spend at a place to be loaded or unloaded. How many hours must you sit before you get paid? Say it's 2 hours. Do you have to wait 3 to get paid or is it prorated? How much is the pay?

    Do you get stop pay?

    If your truck breaks how much do you get per day for being out of service?

    If weather prevents you from working do you get paid?

    If you don't get home do you get compensated for laying over?

    When does home time start? Some say Friday night, others say as late as 12:00 Saturday is home time.

    Do you get compensated for time spent waiting for repairs, such as flat tires, etc.?

    Most companies offer a 401k match. Most require you to be there a year to collect that match. Find out.

    They all offer insurance but they rarely pay for it. Find out how much per week.

    Ask how they handle breakdowns. Do they bring you another truck, or just tow yours to the nearest dealer, etc., and you wait. Do you get a room?

    Do they pay for parking? If not available, what is rule about parking on shoulder, etc.? Do they allow personal conveyance?

    Are you allowed to take your truck home?

    What speed do the trucks run? If low, will they be turned up after 90 days?

    Do they have minimum guarantees?

    Do they have fuel and safety bonuses?

    This will cover a lot of ground. I'm sure others on here can add more.
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  3. RustyBolt

    RustyBolt Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    Bement, IL
    It's good to ask the recruiters questions, such as those listed. However, drivers fresh out of CDL school should know that recruiters will answer a lot of them vaguely. Or just lie and tell you what they think you want to hear. It's their job to get you in a seat at orientation. It's someone else's job to tell you the truth once you're there. Most are no better than a used car salesman.
  4. DSK333

    DSK333 Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2018
    Exactly. New drivers would be better off going in being fully capable of rolling with the punches. The first year is the hardest no matter what.
    Nashville, Rob810 and amaxi31 Thank this.
  5. JDraw

    JDraw Bobtail Member

    May 15, 2018
    Ocala, Florida
    Thanks for the list!

    I have attempted to ask questions like this and had a few different replies from companies. 1) one laughed and told me that since I am new, I don't really have a right to get "picky". 2) one told me the only way to answer the questions is to go to orientation. 3) one actually asked me to email and offered to return email with the answers (still waiting on that email).
  6. DBase

    DBase Bobtail Member

    Aug 4, 2018
    WOW! Thank you for posting this. This took a lot of time and thought. I am actually saving this for my files. One thing I try to do in my job is be honest. That is how I was raised. Not only am I a recruiter but I am also a wife to a trucker and very a soon a mother to a trucker. My son will start school this August. If I did placement for my son I would definitely be going over all these things with him. Some other good questions to add to this list is a training questions.

    • How long is training?
    • Do I get paid in a training?
    • How much do I get paid?
    • When will I be paid?
    • Will a room and meals be provided during training? (if not within driving distance)
    • Will I be sharing a room with other recruits? (Because I know there are a few companies that will make you share a room with a complete stranger.)
    • Will you pay for my transportation to training?
    • If so how? Mileage for person vehicle, plane or bus?
    • Will I get my truck after training?
    wldcrd73, ShortAzz, cprowl and 5 others Thank this.
  7. Trucking in Tennessee

    Trucking in Tennessee Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2018
    Warren Pearce gave me a nice come on, and I said I am very interested. Please put all that in an email. I am still waiting. It's all fun and games until you want it in print. A famous attorney once said:

    With a signed contract you have a prayer. With a verbal agreement you have thin air.
    ShortAzz, 06driver and Numbnuts69 Thank this.
  8. Numbnuts69

    Numbnuts69 Light Load Member

    May 25, 2018
    If and when I talk to a recruiter the 1st words out of my mouth after all the pleasantries and whatnot are "Before I waste any of your time does your company have a pet policy?" I don't usually have the highest opinion of recruiters but at the same time I wouldn't trade places with them to save my life.
  9. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    I love the one about being paid if the weather is bad and you cant drive . also if you're waiting for a flat tire repair, do you get paid ? If I was a recruiter, I would be laughing so hard if a potential new-hire was asking me this ….
  10. Trucking in Tennessee

    Trucking in Tennessee Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2018
    I don't see it as being picky. You are trying to make an educated decision about employment. I would ask the recruiter to find me someone knowledgable if he is not familiar with company policy. He may not appreciate you being brash, but hopefully he will respect your professional attitude about making informed decisions.
    Shadalee, amaxi31 and 06driver Thank this.
  11. Trucking in Tennessee

    Trucking in Tennessee Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2018
    They are legitimate questions and companies are starting to address the problems. You enjoy working for free?
    Stonehjl, Shadalee, ShortAzz and 3 others Thank this.
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