Recruiting tales

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by '88K100, Nov 8, 2023.

  1. '88K100

    '88K100 Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2020
    I see 4Tracks transport put 2 trucks in the ditch so far today so i did a quick search on their recruiting strategy. Anyone else have any experiences

    I had 2 odd experiences in the ‘80’s. One the recruiter followed me out the door when he disclosed the meager pay “we have a union”. Obviously a weak union.. ARNONE TRANSPORT(recently closed their doors)
    The other was a company (the name eludes me) i applied to and turned down job due to low wage. They disclosed to EI that i had worked and quit. I told EI the company better come up with a pink slip. EI fixed the problem immediately and resumed my EI payments.
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  3. upnorthwpg

    upnorthwpg Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    4trax hires new immigrants mostly. How they get lcv certified is beyond me…. No way most of those guys have 2 years and 150,000 verified km. If mb would actually investigate and verify the training, they would be shut down.
  4. '88K100

    '88K100 Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2020
    Companies issue the LCV, now in Ontario air brake endorsement is done online same as Dangerous Goods certificate. What few qualifications are required other than a road test can be done by the good folks in the personnel department to keep the drivers qualified
  5. upnorthwpg

    upnorthwpg Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    Companies issue the lcv, but the trainers have to go through a 3 day course here. Refresh every three years. Most of these drivers don’t speak English, no way they did a 3 day 8 hour course here.
  6. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta
    My safety department applied for a few of us to get LCV trainer certs, one day it was waiting for me in my mailbox at the terminal. No course, no nothing. I called Safety to ask, and they said they filled out the applications as specified and the certs just showed up; they were confused as well.
  7. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta
    This didn't happen to me personally, but we recently had some guys apply, who were recruited by TransX and Loblaws (new Canadians), they got hired, did orientation, got in a truck, and waited weeks for their first load. After that load, they waited 2 weeks for the next one, so on and so on. They of course quit, and while cleaning their trucks out, the next contestant came and moved into the truck they were vacating. Seems like a lot of the bigger places, just keep the hiring going, even tho they don't have work, and just want drives "in a truck" just incase a load comes up. One TransX guy told me he did orientation, waited a month for a truck, then had to find another job.....sad.
  8. upnorthwpg

    upnorthwpg Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    I figured something like this was going on.
  9. Magoo1968

    Magoo1968 Road Train Member

    Mar 18, 2021
    St Malo mb
    That partially explains the New Way of pulling turnpikes I set my cruise around 108 and have some turnpikes pass me .
  10. Ex-Trucker Alex

    Ex-Trucker Alex Heavy Load Member

    Jan 7, 2023
    I'm frankly surprised that Canadian (or is it provincial?) law allows that. Here in New York state, if you go to work and they say "we don't have any work", that means you are technically "on layoff", and can report as such to the State Unemployment Insurance department. I had a carrier do that on me once ("wait a couple weeks for a truck to become available.."), and boy-howdy, a truck became available the very next day, along with a load heading to Denver!
    So, do some research. You may have to wait a week or so to start getting payments for UI (here in NY, you only need to do the 1 waiting week once in any 18 month period..), but if they are keeping you waiting but not working and you are an employee, you ARE considered 'laid off'.
  11. upnorthwpg

    upnorthwpg Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    Doesn’t work the same here.
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