I think radman is right, the extra board will have to start doing a three trip week followed by a two trip. Its gonna suck for the guys who like working three trip weeks.
Discussion in 'YRC' started by reddawaydriver, Sep 15, 2012.
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i think the scumbag ata will get their way. this will get tied up in the courts for a while.
Well I will welcome the change in how hard I've been running. I'm getting old and don't want to work this hard anymore. I don't really need to anyway.
Man oh man are we getting busy, hiring line drivers like crazy.
Not sure heard we got some new accounts. I know that last night I saw a reddaway every three or four trucks on the way to medford. Whatever is going on I like it.
Glad you guys are keeping busy. We just got busy again as well. Been called on break every day, playing with the 14 hour rule. We get called on our 10th hour off, then have 2 hours to get in, so it's like 12 hours off. We can extend it up to 4 hours as well.
we are still hiring drivers here like crazy. I already got 10 below me.
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