Registration Weight Rating Increase?

Discussion in 'Heavy Haul Trucking Forum' started by gt4jk, Jan 3, 2024.

  1. gt4jk

    gt4jk Light Load Member

    Apr 1, 2008
    Good day y’all

    I’ve been in the oversize arena for about 6 years now as a company driver and always wondered about something.

    My truck is at 96K in Idaho (home state), others are at 100K< and others at 80K.

    I’m curious to know, specifically, in Idaho. Why register it at 96K versus 80K? In Idaho, you still have to get a permit for anything over 80K.
    I can only assume it’s for IFTA estimations as it’s .04cpm at that registered weight.

    Is there a specific reason?
    NightWind Thanks this.
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  3. beastr123

    beastr123 Road Train Member

    Jan 2, 2014
    Moose Jaw SK CAN
    Many(most) states require the truck to registered to above 80k and above the requested weight or to the state maximum before a O/W permit is issued.
    This is another way to add to the state coffers. You pay extra rates to register and your fuel tax or mileage rate is higher. If you register to the max everywhere your taxes increase by about 5%.
    Your initial cost can be reduced by only "bumping" your registration at home and surrounding states and any states you regularly run in. Then you can "bump" any new states when required, it can be done online or over the phone usually within 2 working days.
    blairandgretchen and Ruthless Thank this.
  4. old iron

    old iron Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2011
    Northern Wi
    I've got Idaho at 130,000#. Can't remember if that was the max or if it was just where I called it quits.
  5. NightWind

    NightWind Road Train Member

    Nov 11, 2006
    Sunny South, AL
    Some states will let you run more than the 80,000 pounds with a specific tag type
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