Review of Poly Trucking

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Triumph, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Brandonpdx

    Brandonpdx Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    Elkhart, IN
    There's always a catch with every company. I've heard about this Poly company and was thought it was impressive they paid a decent rate on hub miles, but, the rest of the story comes out alas.
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  3. maninthemoon1

    maninthemoon1 Medium Load Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    Garrison ky
    Not many will be up front and admit that , about the kept going thing ... Honesty is hard to find these days.
  4. maninthemoon1

    maninthemoon1 Medium Load Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    Garrison ky
    *Here's the deal with poly , as the bulk of what they're about is listed in great detail first 250 pages of good companies to drive for. There is now like 530 pages many sharing load info and the glitches they endure , many touch on the frustration that sets in with breakdowns. Then there is shop policy which imo is a new hire's biggest challenge, along with company policies that strongly support those policies.

    *If you are working for a company that makes you no money forcing you to live paycheck to paycheck without a savings acct to fall back on and thinking about going to poly, I'd advise you to rethink that. The fleet is all Pro Star , and for 1 year you will only be in the older ones, that for the most part have issues.

    *Now , if you're a driver that's made pretty good money with the company you're with but , never gets home and when you do they can't seem to leave you alone long enough for you to even enjoy being there, Poly may be a sweet fit for ya. You will likely tap into some of your savings 1st year, as you'll spend your fair share of time roadside brokedown , you'll also be in and out of different trucks when the one you're in comes into the yard with issues. Lets call it the initiation period. There is a guy Anthony he tries hard to help ya and gives ya little tips that can be quite helpful if you catch what he's telling you and use it smartly.

    *So lets say you go this route with Poly , and after a year they're happy with the job you've done for them. It won't be much more than a 13 months they'll be offering something to make you more money. They called me in and told me they want me to make more and have a new truck if I'm interested. Is the new truck a sweet Pete with an O/o pkg ? No and as Triumph said above , they're stripped down Pro Stars enough to make you the driver somewhat comfy until you get home for your home time of : Up to 7 business days off ... is anyone wondering about the wording of that statement ? Weekends and Holadays do not count in the 7 business days. If you arrive home on the 1st a Wed. Your home time starts Thurs. the 2nd You can take til the 13th off no questions asked. You can then go back out for 3 weeks knock out 10,000 miles gross 5k and go back home for 7 more business days if you so choose to.

    *Now many would ask how many times are you going out and knocking out 10,000 miles in 3 weeks ? And I'm answering 3 out of 4 here's the deal though. 5 times this yr I've banked between 11 and 14,000 in like 22 to 24 days. The math is pretty simple folks , I'm at 80,000miles on a truck I got Mar.21st of 2014. I still will be out from the house here again Sat. and just got home yesterday. This is how I want to do it , cause I'm gonna take from the 22nd of Dec to the 10th of Jan. off. My estimate is that I'm about 104k right now and will finish the year about 112 to 114k , and have I'll bet 80 something days home.

    *Oh yeah , all the company asks is that you end up close to 96k annually in miles. 8000 p mo. avg , so there is the honest to God liberal home time policy , that I doubt any Poly driver will debate. If you take advantage of the up to 6% 401k dollar for dollar match at the end of the month the company contribution is equivalent to paying you a week paid vacation each month but is deposited into a retirement account for when you decide you want to walk away from this business.

    *The 1st yr again will test you as a person , and best you can do before hiring in is be sure financially you can take a 6 to 7K hit , and be alright. If you can swing that , it'll allow to to keep on smiling even in the face of adversity for that year , then afterward the smile is a genuine one for the most part.
    And I did say for the most part , there are still 4 days or so a month that the way they do things gets under my skin. Not bad for an avg though 26 out of 30 or 31 I'm pretty happy here at poly.
    tucker Thanks this.
  5. Brandonpdx

    Brandonpdx Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    Elkhart, IN
    It's a good man I wasn't saying it wasn't a good job for a lot of guys. Every company has its share of cool parts and BS to contend with. I've had enough jobs at this point to know that! :)
  6. driverdriver

    driverdriver Road Train Member

    May 30, 2011
    I wish I had more time to go into more details but, the op is right on the money. I was at poly for five years it's really sad what's happened to that place and sounds like it's only getting worse. Heck about a year after I started there were 15 and 20 year drivers walking away.
    That's 15 to 20 years at poly.
    Well my 30 is up gotta roll
  7. againstthewind

    againstthewind Road Train Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    i will say this, we have all heard about the equipment issues, i can say that if i had as many problems as some i may not be here, but i haven't, maybe I've been lucky, I've been in 2 loaners that have made the trip without any issues,one i took because i was on a load home and the other would been done if i waited a few more hrs for my truck but i didn't. maybe the difference for me has been that i don't need to be here,i left a good paying gig to come to poly and try it out and there are at least a few good driving jobs in my area that i could go back to but so far its been a good fit for me. the day that I'm on here complaining everyday is the day I'm gone. I've said it before, unlike a lot of companies Poly didn't promise me anything, not miles, great equipment or anything, they seem to have the attitude that it is what it is and if you don't like it go somewhere else,and thats fine with me. as far as how they treat me i don't really see them enough to say, i try not to bother them and they don't bother me unless I've screwed up. the bottom line for me is i like the runs I'm doing here and it seems to fit me. like i said maybe it helps knowing i choose to be here, but its amazing how a crapload of money in the bank AND the time to spend with family can give you a better attitude,i have a friend who drives who recently ended up in the hospital with a brain tumor and still has seizures so his driving days are done,i try to remind myself how fast it can all be over.
    Knucklehead and Son of a Trucker Thank this.
  8. iraqralph43

    iraqralph43 Road Train Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    Thanks Triumph for starting this thread.....your honest postings about Poly....will keep drivers from making a big mistake...about coming to work at Poly
  9. ArmyGuy

    ArmyGuy Heavy Load Member

    Jun 21, 2011
    Hudson, Florida
    First paycheck $1194 bring home and that was with two days at the house.
    maninthemoon1 Thanks this.
  10. Triumph

    Triumph Light Load Member

    May 24, 2014
    I don't take offense to anything you say. You're more than welcome to your opinion just as I am. Also, I believe I was perfectly clear that I was not here to slam Poly. I posted my thoughts, both good and bad.

    Just for some clarity on where I come from. I do NOT have to work there, or anywhere else. I could quit tomorrow and I would be just fine as I'm retired from my previous profession.

    As stated in my OP (I think), I could live with most of the cons. It's the complete lack of communication, and accountability, that is close to driving me away.

    As far as 401k, or anything else (good or bad), that I failed to mention, that was simply because I did not think about it. It certainly wasn't an intentional omission.

    One thing you mentioned is false. Poly does not pay $250 for sitting a day. I verified that before posting because that happened to me this week. But frankly, that's small potatoes, as it is very rare to sit that long.

    Finally, you probably hit the nail on the head regarding my expectations. It is true I have very high expectations. But, I do not feel they are unreasonable. They were met quite easy in my prior white collar profession. And, as I stated, it would be very easy for Poly to be a top notch company. Unfortunately, there are too many people that are more than willing to settle for less.

    I'm not the only one that is capable of turning Poly's attitude around. Many of the drivers there could do it if given the opportunity. It's not rocket science.

    DISCLAIMER: There's nothing personal about the following. I don't dislike any of these folks. I barely know their names. It's simply called running business.

    1. Walk to the shop, escort every person there out the door and replace them with qualified personnel.

    2. Establish a *real* support system (parts inventory, diagnostic equipment, etc...) to support the new regime.

    3. Establish processes that foster getting the job done in an accurate and timely manner. One example, a complete and thorough FOB sweep would be accomplished as needed. Do you have any idea how much crap is lying on the ground in and around that shop? I do because I make a point to look. Why? Because EVERY single time I get my truck back from that bunch, I end up pulling bolts and screws out of my tires. Bottom line, that place would be clean, neat and orderly. Compare a proper garage to some backyard grease monkey. Do you know why the proper garage is clean, organized and orderly? Because it promotes an efficient work environment and establishes a sense if pride.

    Anyway, you should get the idea by now. And, when I finished sorting the shop, I'd march to bldg 8 and give a lot of those folks their walking papers. Why? Because they're dead weight. Are they nice folks? Sure, why would they not be? They only spend a couple of hours a day actually working.

    Ok, I'm done with this conversation as I have said all I care to on the subject. If you're happy there, I wish you nothing but continued happiness.
    Diaper Rash, BigJon310 and Bumper Thank this.
  11. againstthewind

    againstthewind Road Train Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    also hub miles add up, riding around a distribution center, few miles to circle a petro, taking a loop around a city instead of going thru town, taking a longer rte to avoid bad weather or traffic, missing ur exit and having to turn around and ho back, etc etc
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