reviews on dispatching services please

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by peabody747, Sep 9, 2022.

  1. peabody747

    peabody747 Light Load Member

    Jan 1, 2022
    I did a goggle search on dispatch service and found a thread on here that listed a bunch. My business partner keeps getting sales calls from these #### places and boy is he sold on the idea. I'm trying to book a load out on Saturday and Im waiting for ch Robinson approval and my other broker won't load me till Monday. Not that the business is broke but my personal finances our in bad shape and needs income asap.
    So anyhow I picked one from the list on here it was fleet care and signed up with them, they have a free 2 week trial so great. I totally understand the pros and cons about this but let me tell ya I'm not exactly excited about the onboarding process.

    So I'm curious if any have used these services do they workout in your favor?
    or does it feel just like leased onto a carrier. Do they promise things they say etc.... thanks
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  3. brian991219

    brian991219 Road Train Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Lords Valley, PA
    Legally a dispatch service can't do anything for you that you can't do yourself. They are not some magical source of work that is exclusive to them. Alll they can legally do is surf the loadboards you are already signed up with and work with your shippers and brokers, that's it!

    Now, since they do that all day long they may know how to push approval of a carrier packet a little quicker and may catch something occasionally that was only on the board a few minutes but nothing else.

    If a dispatch service is offering exclusive work from their own sources they are acting as a broker and, if doing so without broker authority and being crystal clear they are brokering the load, it is completely illegal. This is why FMCSA is looking into the definition of broker vs dispatch service and will be publishing a final rule on the parameters and legality of broker services later this year or early next.

    Save your money, no need to pay a dispatcher 10% or more of your revenue, especially if you're sitting around with no work and have a business partner. The two of you should be making cold calls to shippers and scouring every imaginable loadboard looking for work. The only time a dispatch service makes sense is when you are a one truck one person operation and don't have the time or trchnical savvy to look for loads and submit carrier packets on your own.
  4. RunningAces

    RunningAces Road Train Member

    Jul 2, 2017
    If your business partner is the type of guy who falls for cold calls then you should really consider getting out of business with him.
    Siinman and TheLoadOut Thank this.
  5. Short Fuse EOD

    Short Fuse EOD Road Train Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    No body on this planet should be a better salesman for your business than yourself. A third party has other thoughts on their mind, like getting you a load and covering the next in line You miss out opportunities to have a direct customers, max negotiation, build a relationship, etc… You should know the lanes that work and for how long. Your strengths over the competition and sell them accordingly. Again, if there is another person alive on this planet that can sell your service better than you… you are on the loosing end. Every day I wake up I am learning more and becoming more effective. I am your competition. Now wake up tomorrow and your goal should be to beat me at our game. You can do this, just how much do you…
    Fortuna Faviet Fortibus
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2022
    Morrispoole66, TallJoe and brian991219 Thank this.
  6. peabody747

    peabody747 Light Load Member

    Jan 1, 2022
    again I get what you saying, the onboarding part is the most difficult, I finally got ready to roll late Friday evening with nothing booked, found a few loads today but don't load till.
    tried onboarding with a few brokers but getting hung up with the rhims link to get insurance through. Being new to this process was mostly looking for help with onboarding being the weekend that's impossible. So now just stuck till Monday wait for broker I'm already on with
  7. Short Fuse EOD

    Short Fuse EOD Road Train Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    Onboarding is the least hardest of running a trucking company. If you have your numbers, you are a trucking business. Establishing business is your task. Driving is secondary. Focus on the business side before you turn the keys. Relying on one broker or a stranger will not put your interests first. You are not running a business but then driving and paying bills. Not a good position to be in a tight market.

    carrier packs are easy. Fill em out and contact your insurance agent when needed. Submitting a proposal to direct shippers can take more work but is easily done. Know your numbers, the market, call business and have them want to get to know you and learn what you can do do them.

    If RMIS is holding you up and you can’t figure it out, we’ll I’m sorry this is tough, but you ain’t gonna make it. You’ll be one of the thousands that will go out of business every month. Especially these days. It is a choice in most cases.
  8. Czar_Zero

    Czar_Zero Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2018
    I don't know why anyone would think onboarding with brokers is difficult.. Sure, how you do it may lack consistency but they all want the same information and I don't think I've spent more than about 10 minutes filling out a packet.
  9. Jacoooooooo

    Jacoooooooo Heavy Load Member

    Oct 20, 2013
    It’s amazing to me how some people go on their own get authority etc and than outsource the easiest part of the business and just stay a mule with truck payment.

    They don’t have any other loads than you already see on loadboards and depending how many trucks you have and how many they are dispatching you may already be devoting more time to your load search than they ever will.

    This is may opinion, you may find it different.

    Unless… if you are very fresh and have trouble getting loads at all, and they will double broker for you, it may be an option to start… not exactly legal though.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2022
    brian991219, TallJoe and Siinman Thank this.
  10. peabody747

    peabody747 Light Load Member

    Jan 1, 2022
    apparently rmis was down today, don't worry I know the business and numbers needed to survive. the only other problem was trying to get a load on Saturday was proving to be impossible. Even though loads were posted most brokers weren't even in the office. or if I did get the brokers the loads that were on the board don't ship till Monday or Tuesday.
    So basically what screwed me at the moment was getting the trailer at 6pm Friday
  11. Midwest Trucker

    Midwest Trucker Road Train Member

    Aug 31, 2018
    You need to be a little more patient and it sounds like your business partner doesn’t want to deal with headaches. That’s bad considering this industry is full of them.

    Just think, you are already learning new things and it’s the first weekend. Now you know to have Saturday or Sunday booked on Friday. ;)
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