RFX75 add on linear

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by poorboy126, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. poorboy126

    poorboy126 Light Load Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Southwest Florida
    Ok I understand pep is the power you put out when you are talking, what I don't know is what pep stands for? And why do they call dead key wattage carrier power and not just dead key power? That would make it simplier for us southern boys.
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  3. poorboy126

    poorboy126 Light Load Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Southwest Florida
    So what kind of power do you guys think the Comet 200 will put out on the pep? Oh and what does "RMS" stand for and mean? I'm wondering if the Comet will at least give me a pep of 150watts with my Galaxy turned down to a 3watt carrier, thoughts anyone?
  4. country29

    country29 Medium Load Member

    Feb 27, 2010
    with the radio matched to the comet, deadkey could need to be anywhere from 1-4watts, each setup is different thus the reason to match the 2. the comet should talk around 150w and swing probably 200-225w just a average guesstimate being familiar with the comet's.
  5. poorboy126

    poorboy126 Light Load Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Southwest Florida
    Country29--Hell I'd be happy as hell with talkin 150 and the possibility of whistling out to 200. I just want to be clear and kinda load so I guess the Comet will do the job, I've just heard the Comet 200 is a class C linear and they have a tendancy of sounding muddy and over modulated, have you heard this?
  6. country29

    country29 Medium Load Member

    Feb 27, 2010
    nope, but any hack can make the best sounding radio and linear sound like poop. It's all in haveing a GOOD tech match them together, I have had setups pushing 1000+ watts and sit next to another radio with my setup and it sound crystal clear. The problem is finding a cb tech, not a butcher with a golden screwdriver! hard to find these days. I have ran several variations of comet/tnt/fatboy/palomar/gray linears and everyone of them matched to the radio I was running and never had a complaint about distortion/overmodulated/muddy sounding. you will be loud and proud if you have a good technician match the 2 together. basically all matching is setting the radio deadkey to the linear and possibly adding a capacitor or resistor to the linear for best modulation and power output. each radio and linear will act differently with each other. Thats why guys just say set the deadkey at 2 watts and hook a 200w linear to it and it sounds muddy but hook a 400w linear up and it sounds crystal clear. they all act different, thats why I have and always will be a firm believer in matching the 2. Ok got a little off subject, I just wanted you to know my experience with the comet amps, since I know the maker of them and provide you his info, if you want it. What you decide is up to you and what kind of tech you have or find. I am no way a expert on cb's I just know what works for me and why I believe in something, just my .02 on the subject at hand, and my experiences with my own setups. sorry for the long winded post but didnt want to pressure you, just wanted to let you know my opinion on the subject, and we all know what opinions are like out here! good luck to you, feel free to ask any other q's/concerns you have, always glad to help if I can.
  7. Rat

    Rat Road Train Member

    Nope, I would love to hear a station from 20 miles out, first with a low carrier and higher pep then with a higher carrier and pep.
  8. N 2 O

    N 2 O Bobtail Member

    Apr 8, 2012
    New York
    Can I install a comet my sell or does it need to go out to a shop?
  9. N 2 O

    N 2 O Bobtail Member

    Apr 8, 2012
    New York
    No need to answer just read the post 2 above mine for some reason I only seem one page when I first looked at it. I guess I need to put my glasses on:biggrin_25512::biggrin_25512:
  10. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2009
    Seminole Florida

    RMS ? well that would also be average power on most meters about 1/4 PEP .....

    SO .... 100 watts PEP is about 25 watts otherwise ...
  11. N 2 O

    N 2 O Bobtail Member

    Apr 8, 2012
    New York
    What shop would you use to hook up the comet ?
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