Roehl Transport, Inc. - Marshfield, Wi.

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Cocky, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. truckntim80

    truckntim80 Light Load Member

    Apr 18, 2006
    Cookeville, TN
    I am going to try and apply again at Roel in January 2007. I will then be at the job I'm at now for over a year. Hopefully this will let me have a chance to sign on with them.

    The only downfall to starting in January 07, is that I left the trucking industry in June 2005. I am guessing that I would have to ride with a trainer, and that is no problem.

    I want to start again in this industry and not start off on the wrong foot, like I did when I worked for a 'bad' company. I understand that every company has it's own issues and such, but there are some that have way two many!!!
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  3. skullitor

    skullitor Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    New England
    Roehl uses mostly mid Roof tractors.Condo's only go to trainers.
  4. smurf-316

    smurf-316 Resident Nut Case

    Oct 4, 2006
    North Carolina
    I agree 100% it's hard to beat Roehl on alot of points. i drove for them for over 2 years and i don't have any complaints. they are very friendly and helpful and your dispatcher knows you have a family you would like to see more than once a month!!
  5. truckntim80

    truckntim80 Light Load Member

    Apr 18, 2006
    Cookeville, TN
    How is Rohels road test, backing test? The word 'test' makes me nervous. I am looking forward to applying to them in December. Thanks
  6. Inprogress80

    Inprogress80 Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2006
    Cleveland, Georgia
    Yeah Im thinking of going with them once I get out of trucking school. Ive heard alot of good things about Roehl. But I would like to learn more about them as well. Well thanks for any info.

  7. azsharkman

    azsharkman Bobtail Member

    Oct 6, 2006
    Does Roehl Transp. ever pre-hire student drivers out of the Phoenix AZ area that you know of? I am just starting school and would hope to at least hear what various companys have to offer. Any info in that direction would be most helpful.
  8. Stinger188

    Stinger188 Light Load Member

    Aug 23, 2006
    I would say your best bet is to give them a call and see what they have to say about it. They hire drivers with a CDL but no experience and they train drivers without a CDL. I'm not sure if you are in their hiring area or not. I saw something on their website about Hiring from West Coast - Teams Only
  9. whispers65233

    whispers65233 Medium Load Member

    Mar 3, 2006
    Boonville, MO
    They will pre-hire students. They will still do a background check and upon completing school and getting all the information they require they will tell you if they will accept you as a new driver or not. We referred a friend to them while he was in school. They pre-hired him but his background didn't check out so they declined him. (we didn't know about his background). You just have to see if you are in their lane of hiring. Good Luck.
  10. bubbavirus

    bubbavirus Medium Load Member

    tags off the innerspring mattress?
  11. whispers65233

    whispers65233 Medium Load Member

    Mar 3, 2006
    Boonville, MO
    Actually he has a felony for procession of stolen property which is suppose to be 10 years ago but he didn't disclose it to Roehl and when they did the background check it came back to bite him in the butt.
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