Hey Road Dog, my husband told me that you caught up with him in Ohio. I told him see I have eyes for me on the road. LOL
Roehl Transport, Inc. - Marshfield, Wi.
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Cocky, Apr 22, 2006.
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I've got to agree Roehl is a good company. I worked for them for 3 years in the Mid-West Regional Dry Van Fleet. They always treated me good and my dispatcher (Gary Primeaux) was tops. I have a bad left hip and they got me into a truck with an automatic transmission, sure did make life alot easier. Never had any problems with pay etc. My biggest grip was the fuel tanks were 80 gallons each. So that's not much to grip about.
yeah,Whispers I caught up with him in Findlay,OH.had a nice chat with him.Roehl is a German name,and is a family owned business.I have been with them for a couple of months now and have only had one issue.After talking with my dispatcher I believe the issue is taken care of.Other than one little incident they have been a very good co.to drive for.Anytime you need some info and call in they try to give you an honest answer,and are very helpful.This includes night and weekend dispatch.Very seldom do you have to wait over 15 or 20 minutes for your next load,after turning in your MT call.I am on the 7 on 7 off program.I leave out on Sat. and am usually home the following Fri.evening.One time it was 3 AM Sat.before I got home.I operate out of the Mogadore,(Akron),OH drop yard.Have been driving for about 15 yrs.was retired,but due to things that happen in life I am out on the road again.Did a 4 month stint with Swift earlier this year and believe me there is no comparison,between Swift and Roehl.If you hear anything bad about Swift,BELIEVE IT.
What ever happed to Gary Primeaux? I heard he left Roehl.
Scooter -
Just finished another 7 days out with Roehl.Other than one incident things have been AOK.This last week was quite slow,2270 miles,but it felt sort of good to take it easy.Someone from Milwaukee ,asked about operating out of the drop yard.Yeah they have a drop yard at Oak Creek just south of there.I see a lot of personal cars parked there.I operate out of their Mogadore,OH drop yard.This outfit seems to try and work with you,as far as home time is concerned.I am on their 7 on 7 off program,I leave out on Sat.mornin and am usually home the following Fri.afternoon.High weeks have been about 3000 to 3350 miles a week,this last one was low at 2270 miles.Average right around 2800.Hey Whispers,how is your hubby doing with his training job?
hey thanks for the info road dog..
Back home from another week out with Roehl.3300 plus this week.They do keep you moving.Got home about 11 PM Fri.evening.A little late but the miles will make a nice paycheck.
for Roehls 7 on and 7 off do you have to slip seat?
Yes it is a slip seat operation,however it is just you and one other driver on the same truck.I have been fortunate so far.I was hooked up with a gal for the first few times out.She then went national and the truck stayed with her.I am now hooked up with a guy and we handle the situation pretty good.In both cases I have stayed in touch with the other driver toward the end of the week.This way I know for sure the truck is ready to go when I get to drop yard to start my week.Then when I am finishing up my week I call and make sure he knows whats going on.Ya sort of look out for each other.I usually call dispatch on Fri.afternoon and find out what my first load is.So far it has worked out good,course in both cases I had good partners.They have two ways to work this program,I leave out on Sat.and usually get home sometime Fri.Or you can leave out Wed.and get home Tues.
Hey, Road Dog.
I have a question: What do you do with your seven off? Have a part-time gig or do you catch up on home repairs and stuff? Reason I'm asking is it looks like I'll be coming on board with Roehl in January as a CDL School grad, and I'm trying to decide which division/program is best. If I make the cut at all, that is. I'm pretty much decided on the 7/3-7/4 program in the Northeast, but the 7 on 7 off has me curious. Trying to strike that perfect balance between paycheck and hometime. I know perfection's not out there, but I'm trying to come as close as possible.
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