Roehl Transport, Inc. - Marshfield, Wi.

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Cocky, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. bobbyw

    bobbyw Light Load Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    Orlando Florida
    I ve been bouncing around like a yo yo about where I am going after graduation,but considering mountains ,snow and lack of experience I think I am going to stay southeast- midwest at least til I get a year experience and Roehl has jumped to the forefront and from everything I hear about them I applied online with them today
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  3. Road Dog

    Road Dog Medium Load Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Whistler,I wont post my age here,but I should be retired.I actually retired in 1998,and sold my truck.Due to unexpected things that happen in life I am now back out on the road.The 7 on 7 off program that Roehl offers sounded just right for me.I have two hobbies,the first one is woodworking,which is a very relaxing hobby.The second is old cars and trucks.I now have two Chevy pickups in my shop,a 1955,which I have streetrodded,and a 1972 which is pretty much stock.In the summertime I enjoy taking these to cruisins and shows.So on my 7 days off I have planty to do,and oh yeah theres always the Honey Do list.
  4. Road Dog

    Road Dog Medium Load Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Well,here it is almost Christmas time again.Guess I am gonna spend Christmas out on the road this year.However due to Roehls rider program I will be taking my wife out with me that week.That should be an interesting week for her.She will get an idea what truckin is all about.I am running just about the way I want to with Roehl,about 3000 miles a week,which is plenty for an old timer like me.They very seldom keep you waiting more than 15 or 20 min.for your next dispatch after you send in your MT call.A whole lot better than Swift ever did.Anyway I will enjoy this week off and be ready to leave out on the 23rd.Merry Christmas to all of you.:smt039
  5. geargrinder

    geargrinder Medium Load Member

    Nov 23, 2006
    More than likely waiting.
    Roehl has a good reputation. A recruiter came to our class. Everything he said was backed up with INK. I was set to go with them, but elected to get my feet wet with a local company. After I get 6-months or so of experience I will re-apply. You have to go through many pages on a google search to find anything negative. It is usually an isolated case from what is easily identifiable as a habitually problem employee.

    You made a good choice.
  6. Whistler

    Whistler Bobtail Member

    Nov 15, 2006
    Hey Dog.
    Sounds like the 7/7 is perfect for you. I need something more full time, so it looks like it'll be the 7/3-7/4 for me. Have a good Christmas out with the Missus.
  7. Whistler

    Whistler Bobtail Member

    Nov 15, 2006
    Good to know I picked a good company. Their on-line reputation is excellent for sure, and they're great to deal with over the phone. Honestly, though, I'm hoping a local contact is going to work out for me too. I'd really rather be home most nights even if the money's going to be considerably less in the beginning.
    I just hope I don't ruin things with Roehl if I have to back out before I go to orientation.
  8. bobbyw

    bobbyw Light Load Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    Orlando Florida
    I faxed off my proof of being an uncle sam payer as a self -employed buissness owner and my one little bitty misdemeanor info from 98 and it looks good that I too will be a Roehl Road man ,I tell you the truth after reading up all of you Roehl guys post I am going to be very proud to drive for Roehl
  9. bobbyw

    bobbyw Light Load Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    Orlando Florida
    C whats up looks like my driving record wasnt that bad after all cause me and the recruiter had it going on yesterday on the phone and I told her how it is with my driving record ,she said cause its been over 2 years ago without a ticket and they were under 20 over I should be alright next step setting up an appointment for orientation in ellenwood if you ever want to Roehl wit me and the dog and the gang maybe I can get a referal commission
  10. Eight433

    Eight433 Light Load Member

    Aug 12, 2006
    Right now i drive solo system for schneider. After the first of the year, i'm most likely going on thier 14/7 "home run" program. Mostly full time, more home time... sounds pretty good to me. I wanted to run for roehl on thier 7/3-4 but i dont live close enough to a terminal :(

    right now, i run about 12/2-3. Its just not enough time at home to finish my projects. I also USED to be a woodworker, back when i had time. Currently i am building a 1930s-40s style "teardrop" camper from scratch. 85 percent done, but hit a road block when i took this job. Next on the slate is new floorboards in my dad's firebird formula ws6, and next on the chopping block is yanking out the sissy 4 cylinder outta my chevy s-10 to make room for a 350 v8 :smt003

    man.... come to think of it, i may need more than a week off.... :cyclops:
  11. Road Dog

    Road Dog Medium Load Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    BobbyW,glad to hear you are coming on board with Roehl.I think you will like it,they pretty much tell you like it is.Good luck.
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