Roehls Cdl program

Discussion in 'Roehl' started by heartlandnewbie1988, May 21, 2023.

  1. heartlandnewbie1988

    heartlandnewbie1988 Light Load Member

    May 10, 2015
    Looking into Roehls cdl training program. Looking for any insight into it. Hows the program? Miles after training? Pay?
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  3. Kyle G.

    Kyle G. Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Eastern Iowa
    I went through it back in 2012. Any info I provide is probably outdated, but I will say I enjoyed my time there and have no regrets. The CDL class was quick (only three weeks), but pretty thorough for as short as it was. My time with my on the road trainer was miserable but thankfully that too can be pretty short depending on how you do. I was with my dirtbag of a trainer for only eight days.

    Once I was solo it was great, I don’t really have any complaints at all. Equipment was decent, never had a problem with maintenance, dispatchers were mostly decent, miles were so so, I’d say I averaged around 2300 per week, but I probably could have run harder than I did. Pay was lousy but probably pretty standard for a newbie. I have no idea what they are paying now.

    I stayed with them for a year before I switched to something local.
    bryan21384 and Puppage Thank this.
  4. Blagoje

    Blagoje Medium Load Member

    Jul 14, 2022
    Paris, Illinois
    Their training is excellent, however, please know that you will owe them $7000 no matter what UNLESS they allow you to drive 120,000 miles for them.

    Emphasis on they allow you to drive that mileage for them, I say that because they terminated my employment at 80,000 miles for reasons that they would not explain to me and have since repeatedly demanded that I pay them $7,000 for GYCDL training. I have heard from several people that went through the Roehl GYCDL program that they were terminated under similar circumstances and then Roehl constantly harassed them for $7,000 with no recourse. Do not sign any contact or anything else with Roehl, trust me.
    Lpirtle Thanks this.
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