roll off trucks= hard work?

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by trashtruckin22, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. poppapump1332

    poppapump1332 Road Train Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Have fun i did for 5 years got tired of doing double drops and no room to do it meaning drop empty then grab full one drop that pu empty put where loaded one was then pu loaded one fun in center city philly.also gets old when you arrive and dumpster is three foot over the top or they have a 2 by 6 standing up sticking out 6 feet.some love it not me especially the compactors filled to full with paper pull it out and 2 tons are laying on the ground even with trying to put a pallet in there to keep it from spilling and tou have to pu all that in 20 degree weather no thanks.
    Shaggy Thanks this.
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  3. Shaggy

    Shaggy Road Train Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    Always hated it when customers had a key for the compactors and used every bit of space.
    Had a MA & PA party store ( also did catering / private parties ) loved to do that, insisted had to have the key, The ram just gave up when they called and their party events garbage puked it back out.... FML
    poppapump1332 Thanks this.
  4. peteroll13

    peteroll13 Bobtail Member

    Feb 14, 2015
    I had my first day last monday, we did 5 cans/compactors total, 2 20 yarders, one little 15 yard compactor, and we delivered one 30 yarder to brigantine new jersey. Total mileage for the day was 315 miles, I learned a lot in 12 hours. I learned when your dumping your load always try to back up near the excavator at the dump site in case your load is frozen solid because of below freezing weather like we had that day. With a 2014 kenworth t440 single axle, sadly it was automatic...I start full time on the 24th and I can't wait.
  5. street beater

    street beater Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    cold as hell, MN
    I spent 8 of my years in a rolloff, normaly pulling a dolly trailer to double capacidy. Liked it alot, got left alone do my own routing all they cared was it got done. Some of the dumps have a 30 foot i beam with a blade welded to the tip to scrape out frozen loads. As long as you have warm gear for the winter and a/c for the summer its not a bad gig
  6. peteroll13

    peteroll13 Bobtail Member

    Feb 14, 2015
    Yeah I'll get my own tri axle mack granite or r model my first couple months I'll be doing 13-14 hour days probably because i'm new and i cant rush anything which im fine with.
  7. street beater

    street beater Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    cold as hell, MN
    Well i ran anything from 150 miles up to 4 and change a day, number of turns depends on how many dnr's (dump and returns) vs del vs p/u's but the general rule was try for 1 per hour avarage by the end of the day, minus 2 for getting started and ending the day, so start at 6 finish at 430-5 and have 8 to 11 in the books.some days only turn 4 due to location of pick or dump, long drive to find a empty can exc..exc.. but with a pup i could turn 12 to 18 as long as they were close. Roll off tends to build a bit of a brotherhood more so than some other types of local running... dont know why tho
  8. abyliks

    abyliks Road Train Member

    May 2, 2010
    ludlow MA
    I loved pulling the "wiggle wagon" behind my old truck, everyone else hated pulling it but I thought it was fun could only load 8 ton on it tho

    If you want to have some real fun with a roll off Truck in my sig is a 280" WB pulling a 48' spread ESPM double can roll off, it's fun trying to grab haz cans out of peoples back yards with that
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
  9. street beater

    street beater Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    cold as hell, MN
    You can keep that 48 spread. :) but yeah the wiggle came in handy for tail gaters tucking under the box, one little shift of the wheel and OMG that truck is going off the road! And they pass with a fury. :)
  10. peteroll13

    peteroll13 Bobtail Member

    Feb 14, 2015
    so guys ive been doing rolloff work for the past 6 months, started off in a long wheel base automatic kenworth training for a couple weeks, then bumped up into one our tri axle mack granites 8LL and did training in that for 2 weeks then got sent out of my own in the same rig. I've been on my own for the past 4-5 months or so ill tell ya what its the hardest job i've ever had or will have we do work in philadelphia pa, delaware county, chester county, montgomery county, and bucks county pennslyvania. montco and chesco are densley populated ins some parts but delco is very densely populated areas so very tight streets tight driveways really put my driving to the test like in philly. boss says im kicking ### and doing a really good job, only bad part is im getting paid per day, so 12-15 hours a day usually. Dealt with tons of muffed up doors/tailgates, gvw is 73,280 been overweight 6 or 7 times by now way over weight a couple times, keep moving and never walk away from a job.
  11. CharlieK

    CharlieK Medium Load Member

    May 13, 2015
    Most folks I talk to don't like to use a pup if it's less than 45 minutes to an hour haul... they say that the time it takes to move the boxes around (unhook pup/dump/drop/load off pup/dump/reload pup/reload truck/hook up pup) doesn't pay with a short haul.

    How long did it take you, pulling a pup, from the time you entered the landfill (or transfer station) until the time you were hitting the road again? Did you have a length of haul you would try to use a pup?
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