Well theres alot to consider when deciding if the pup is called for, 1st, if your picking up for the last time at a multiple box job, one trip rather than 2, same goes for del, if you have 1 to 4 deliveries in the same area, once in and done. As for hassle? Not really a hassle, depends on a few things though, what typeof pup, what type of securment for the pup, and the skill of the driver. Ill give you the scenario,
Clock in, (all checks done, pup pre hooked from previous day) leave for land fill, park, 2 standard glad hands, a lock for the pintle, and a ratchet handle raises the eye off your pin. Go fetch first box, (a 20 or 30, maybe 40) set near trailer, open the door, fetch 2nd box, (10,12, or 15) put inside box 1. Pick up double box, load on the pup, (no different than a tight driveway drop) go fetch box 3 and 4, (double up as before) hook back up to trailer, box securment is 4, 4 inch ratchet straps, (like a flatbed semi uses) total time from arrival to departure (depending on how far your emptys are) less than 30 min, and im on the move with 4 boxs. Del is faster, set down double box, open door, pick up box, the inner box slides right out. So now you do your drops, pick up 2 full ones, and your back at the dump. You have 3 choices, 1 scale both as a train, (if your going to leave with the same 2 and no exchanges) 2 scale truck and trailer separate, (keeping the trailer box but changing the truck box) 3 scale the truck box, dump it, rescale, then pick the pup box and repeat, (if your changing everything. Lets take the worst case, no 3. You arrive, scale the truck, park the trailer, dump the truck, rescale the truck. Put down the truck box (open or closed depending on next need) pick the pup box, scale, dump, scale, at this point your 20 mins into dumping 2 boxs, and your ready to reload in any order or combination you need.
Think of it like this, dropping the trailer takes no time. Loading the trailer takes the same amount of time as a swap, (the extra drop N hook) so the only real issue is where you run. If you do alot of really tight quarters tight turns excc... yeah a pain, but even if you have to drop the trailer a few blocks away... you dont have to return. Now i didn't use the pup every day, and for metro hauling, not at all (less than 20 min between most jobs and one of the dozen or so dumps we used)
Wow drifted there, sorry....
Umm anywhere from 30 min to a hour, depending on how long the scale line was and what i was doing after....
roll off trucks= hard work?
Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by trashtruckin22, Jan 23, 2013.
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