Safety means nothing to CRE

Discussion in 'CR England' started by CRE Truth, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. AchioteCoyote

    AchioteCoyote Light Load Member

    Jul 24, 2011
    West Jordan, Utah
    'Tis easier to blame, than it is to take responsibility. Responsibility is an action. It comes from taking action. 'Tis easier to post upon these hidden walls. But, for the most part... I am fairly certain that A LOT of information is not being written. A LOT of information is being withheld... in sole consideration of "saving face", per se. IF an actual LEGAL CASE would be a part of this particular thread, wouldn't it make much more sense to seek and retain legal counsel? If it WERE and HAD a LEGAL CASE, don't you think that an attorney would be all over it? But.... no. Instead, the author and several other authors "disrespect" their former school and former employer on the basis of their own understanding. They shout at the world through written posts on a free blog website. Yet... THEY don't take the responsibility to hire an attorney, and pay for THEIR mis-understanding of the C.R. England School Program, or the process of the C.R. England Hiring Process. Thus, it is easier for said person to "dis" their CDL training school, and their employer on a free website. I can only ask, IF? If it were so bad, why aren't YOU doing something about it, other than posting negative comments on a free website? If it were so bad, with actual cause and actual "relief" of "pain and suffering" through the court of law, why are you people not going through Representation of Counsel for a Class Action Civil Suit? Again, I can only assume that A LOT is not being written here on this free website / thread by the author of the thread, or the supporters of the thread's contents. In summary, I think that if you're going to write all kinds of negative posts against your employer, you should also post the truths and what YOU have done about it, in relation to the legal aspects. I can only ask, "If C.R. England were so bad, why aren't THEY out of business?" I wonder, "If C.R. England's Safety Policies were so bad, why aren't THEY out of business?" I can only wonder, "If YOU are on this website to shout about the so-called "mistreatment" and "safety issues" from C.R. England, yet you are looking for a driving job....? I can only ask.... "Did YOU take any sort of responsibility toward ANYTHING?"

    If YOU have every ability to write negative comments toward your CDL school, and your former employer, without providing ALL THE DETAILS about your experience.... I do believe that you NEVER took responsibility. You're ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that the company of C.R. England took advantage of you, did EVERYTHING in their power to take ALL your money, did everything in their power to make sure that YOU did not have a load, and did everything to make your life HELL. Further, C.R. England MADE YOU do unsafe things.... C.R. England MADE YOU do everything that YOU didn't want to do.

    Hmmmm..... Almost sounds like whining and crying to me.

    If you're going to write on a free web-site.... please do us the favor of telling ALL that is appropriate to the situation. Please DO give us ALL the information that you're seemingly leaving out. And... if you haven't spoken to an attorney, please do speak to an attorney BEFORE you spout your little tea cup. And, if YOU HAVE spoken to an attorney.... please do create a Class Action Civil Suit against the company of C.R. England for ALL the safety, pay, lease, trainee, and student violations that THEY perform against their people.

    Yep.... show me? I want to know. I want to see all of these problems. I want to see some actual lawsuits that show the problems and legal aspects of C. R. England's history of treating safety as nothing. I want to see the legal issues of C.R. England being an unfaithful employer.

    I would like to see YOUR suit in the court of law, against C.R. England!

    What? No suit? No case? No attorney would take your case? No grounds? No what?

    IF you're so right about the "disadvantages" and "safety issues" and all the other stories that are prevalant within the C.R. England blog.... Why not take responsibility and seek a class action lawsuit?

    Ohhhh..... I forgot. THIS IS about responsibility and YOU would rather blame others through a free web-site.

    In summary... 'Tis easier to blame than to take responsibility.

    If you're gonna make a statement.... please do have the common courtesy to stand behind the statement with the actualization of your responsibility. If ya wanna state whatever you wish to state..... be truthful, be completely honest, be willing to share and be willing to take it on.
    corneileous, venne and THBatMan8 Thank this.
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  3. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    I've been completely honest, and how dare you sir... to require an inplace class action suit before you give validity to someone's complaints with this horrible company. I don't have a class action in effect, and I'll gladly post al of my lousy looking settlements... and the lack of a lawsuit, especially in the land of the Mormon Mafia, doesn't take away from the ugly business practices that cost my wife and I a LOT of money.

    The next time you feel like standing on your soapbox, I strongly suggest that you know what the hell you're talking about.. because you don't.
  4. AchioteCoyote

    AchioteCoyote Light Load Member

    Jul 24, 2011
    West Jordan, Utah
    Yep.... C.R. England cost you your wife?

    Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame.

    Sorry, Ronin.... I do like a lot of the posts that you have posted, but you're blaming C.R. England for the loss of your wife?

    Hmmmm.... just sayin' and just wondering?
  5. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    No, mister education, I didn't lose my wife. I said CRE "cost my wife and I a LOT of money".
  6. AchioteCoyote

    AchioteCoyote Light Load Member

    Jul 24, 2011
    West Jordan, Utah
    "Mister Education"? WTF is THAT all about? Am I touching upon a subject that makes you think? Oooops.... I certainly didn't mean to do that!!
  7. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    Alright ronin, let's discuss this. Personal feelings aside, I really don't care how you feel towards England on a personal level but I'm curious. You claimed to have ran 109,000 miles in a six month period, correct? That's basically 4500 miles a month, roughly, on average. Now, besides what they supposedly took from you from your maintenance fund when you turned the truck back in, how is it you and your wife together only took home 300-400 bucks a week? On that same amount of miles, my wife and I take home anywhere from 800 to 1000 dollars a week depending on cash advances and how much the rebate and paid mile per gallon affects how much we spend on fuel so since I don't know your situation, please explain why you two made so little and me make almost twice as much as you did. In case you forgot, we run plain otr makin 90 a mile loaded and 80 a mIle empty.

    In a lot of ways, I can understand why a solo would be struggling to make ends meet but a team? Especially a husband and wife team where none of that income is split.
  8. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    Well, he never said he lost his wife. Even I got that part.
  9. AchioteCoyote

    AchioteCoyote Light Load Member

    Jul 24, 2011
    West Jordan, Utah
    Sometimes.... just sometimes, there's those times that communication is critically misconstrued, causing a certain sense of misunderstanding, lack of trust and a general sense of asking, "Are you hearing me?"

    And.... isn't this particular thread post of the same?

    I can say ALL I WANT about Ronin, but I can ONLY be backed by WRITTEN comments.

    Point is: Miscommunications happen ALL THE TIME. Yet, due to one's lack of miscommunication should not be the opportunity for another to "dis" the other.

    It's not Rocket Science.... It's just the freaking trucking industry, for God's sake!!

    Hire a freaking attorney if you're not happy, or think that C.R. England somehow made your life difficult because of "all THEY did to you".

    On the other hand......

    Well, to hell with it. No one here could care less. They're ALL ABOUT blaming others!
  10. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    I completely agree with you..... I was just pointin out that he never said anything about losing his wife in the whole ronin vs. CR England war waged by either him or England.

    Im pretty sure he has me on ignore so he probly wont see my post asking him to explain why him and his wife made so little and we make and have been making almost twice as much....... Oh well.....

    I could post copies of some of my settlements but as Ive said either here, or in some other "England sucks" thread, what good would it do? Id have all the personal information blacked out that it would be very easy for someone to question if the settlemen I gave is really mine. Maybe if Ronin does read this, I hope he does post a settlement or two. Id love to see it because out of all that money made gross, Id love to see why so little went in his and his wife's pocket.
  11. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    Not me, you. I was referring to your inability to read and understand.
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