Safety means nothing to CRE

Discussion in 'CR England' started by CRE Truth, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    Well, I guess on that part it all depends on what one refers as an experienced team. Most of the people still consider 3-5 years of experience as a rookie. But if you made so much more with jct then good for you.

    Maybe in a little, teeny tiny way but to me, it still sounds like you and so many others go way to far and make it sound like yer trying to be everyone's parents and make it your responsibility to make others decisions for them especially for new drivers. If you still wanna give your "warnings", then by all means, do it. I'm not the one looking for a company that will allow me to get my foot in the door of the trucking industry or a has been driver that can't get hired anyone else.

    Then use that logic when you "warn" people. Just because you wernt satisfied with England doesn't mean no one else will either.
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  3. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    We were fortunate to be part of the flex program and have our own trainer/local driver for four days while still in school.

    This is news to me. Where did you hear this from? I haven't gotten any messages saying that our prepass has to go, nor anything about us having stop at all open coops.

    Glad to see we are providing y'all with good quality entertainment.
  4. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    But if you made so much more with jct then good for you.

    I've never been with JCT. I have no idea what you mean by this.
  5. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    Excuse me, So Cal..........
  6. AchioteCoyote

    AchioteCoyote Light Load Member

    Jul 24, 2011
    West Jordan, Utah
    Ten years ago I trained with C.R. England and worked for C.R. England. I too made some good money with C.R. England.

    I didn't leave C.R. England because of problems with them. I left C.R. England AND the ENTIRE trucking industry due to issues that were a part of my life back in 2001.

    I always had wanted to be a truck driver and always had wanted to get back to the industry.

    I have now returned and have chosen C.R. England once again.

    Last Wednesday, I went to the DMV and tested for my General Knowledge, Air Brakes, and Combinations. I also took the Doubles / Triples, Tankers and HazMat on the same day. Passed them all.... first time, with an average of 94% of all tests.

    Today, I passed my Road Test.

    This upcoming Monday, I get my hard card.

    Do my time.... do my duty.... do my best.... And, once again.... I'll be rollin' with C.R. England as a safe driver and making money. Just as I had done before. : )
    DenaliDad and THBatMan8 Thank this.
  7. Rick Brown

    Rick Brown Light Load Member

    Jul 16, 2011
    Monroe NC
    Good for you!!!

    I am in a transition period here, wanting to get back to my chosen career after spending the last 10 years working in a profession that keeps me home to raise my kids. I just have to figure out a way to do it so that I can still pay my current bills.

    I was given a choice back in 1999, either give up my truck, get a job that kept me home, or my children would be adopted out. I went to Dan England with this, and he told me I did not have a choice, I needed to raise my kid, which was the same way I felt about it, and if and when I wanted to go back trucking, please come back to England. It may take me a few months to get there, but I am on my way back.
    AchioteCoyote and THBatMan8 Thank this.
  8. THBatMan8

    THBatMan8 Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    Wherever I park
    This is where I draw the line. Do you have the common sense to run paper when signed off the EOBR? I'm assuming you don't, because you otherwise wouldn't have made such a statement. The only person who would get in trouble is you, not CRE.

    I have to ask you this:

    What would you have done if the EOBR stopped working while you were driving solo and you had no paper logs to back it up? I'll tell you what you would have done. You would have kept on driving, in violation of FMCSR regs because you don't have logs.

    Also, multiple people sharing a bed is inmoral? Give me a break... If that's you're idealology, then you're working in the wrong field.

    I highly doubt your recruiter said the third person would be sleeping on the floor. My Phase I truck had 3 people. No one ever sat on the floor, and everyone always got adequate rest. If the trainer runs the truck properly, no one sat in the drivers seat for more than 8 hours.
  9. THBatMan8

    THBatMan8 Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    Wherever I park
    That was news to me also. My pre-pass never stopped working in the last year I've been with England.
  10. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    I have noticed though that we're havin' to stop at more weigh stations in the past month but 90% of the time, its at a coop that is makin' everybody stop or its one of those coops that is open 24 hours a day that harasses everybody like that one on highway 30 in Wyoming about 40 miles or so north of 80.
  11. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    My pre-pass stop working 2 months ago when that Qualcomm message went out. I get pulled into any weigh station that is open. The funny thing is that I haven't been inspected since.
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