sammons out of missoula, mt

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by broncrider, Nov 20, 2007.

  1. DrFlush

    DrFlush Road Train Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Upstate NY
    I'll type this very slowly and use small words. I might have saved two or three thousand if I had bought off a lot. The lease is written so I could have paid it off at any time. So after I knew I was running successfully I could have just bought the truck if they pulled my contract. Therefore I had no real risk at all. Sammons took all the risk and I paid an extra $2000 on a $60,000 truck to have no risk. That's 3% not 300% for those of you mathematically challenged
    spyder7723 Thanks this.
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  3. pusherman

    pusherman Medium Load Member

    Jun 23, 2013
    We can debate this all day til the millennium ends & it still won't justify to me paying that much for a truck
  4. DrFlush

    DrFlush Road Train Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Upstate NY
    There is nothing to debate, you assert three times the value and I'm telling you that your wrong, I have the experience and you have none. You are wrong and can't accept it.
    fargonaz Thanks this.
  5. spyder7723

    spyder7723 Road Train Member

    Mar 31, 2013
    sarasota, fl
    While I'm no fan of lease purchase, the deal at sammons is the best there is when it comes to lp.
    DrFlush Thanks this.
  6. pusherman

    pusherman Medium Load Member

    Jun 23, 2013
    Well ur wrong because I've owned 4 trucks & bought them from dealers. Those companies who have l/p aren't in it to help u. They're gonna make money off it.
    MOGLAR Thanks this.
  7. DrFlush

    DrFlush Road Train Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Upstate NY
    What part of I didn't pay three times the value of my truck do you not understand, have you no reading comprehension at all?
    spyder7723 Thanks this.
  8. pusherman

    pusherman Medium Load Member

    Jun 23, 2013
    I comprehend just fine, I just find it very hard to believe that a company is gonna sell a truck thru l/p & not mark it up to make money
  9. spyder7723

    spyder7723 Road Train Member

    Mar 31, 2013
    sarasota, fl
    I've heard from multiple sources, including a good friend that took his truck and lo pro step there about a month ago that they don't mark the trucks up like the big megas do. They are priced on par with what you find at a dealer. Obviously you could find a similar truck cheaper from an individual if you looked hard enough. From what i gather the only reason they started doing an lp is because they got tired of losing guys who were good hard working drivers, but not so good at the business side. Guys that lose they're trucks due to tax problems or not having 30 grand set aside for when a rod comes out the side of the block.

    Now I'm not advocating for them, I'm just saying as far as lease purchase goes, their program isn't the scam that every other one is. I'd put them on par with lone mountain. A way to get a truck with less than stellar credit.
    DrFlush Thanks this.
  10. BigUglyFatFellow

    BigUglyFatFellow Bobtail Member

    Nov 9, 2015
    Thanks to the people that realize you should not lump all LP programs in one basket. If you are willing and able to work this program it is a good one. By able I am saying you have to do the math and plan ahead as much as you can, keep a good working relationship with others and maintain your own mental attitude because during the long driving hours everybody can develop a negative attitude and attitude is everything.

    I have seen the people at Sammons run people off and give out titles to trucks, it is up to the individual and that is what can be said about all long term relationships because buying a truck is a long term thing.

    I do not think I am an owner operator yet, when I have the title then I will be one, until then I am just another working slob like everybody else out here.

    Moglar thank you for your service but now for the military humor, with enough repentance Jesus will forgive you for going Army.
    fargonaz Thanks this.
  11. spyder7723

    spyder7723 Road Train Member

    Mar 31, 2013
    sarasota, fl
    And mercer can take my (and hundreds of others folks) trailer with 1 month to go. Doesn't mean they will. We aren't talking about cr england here.
    DrFlush Thanks this.
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