I picked up produce in Brawley a cpl of weeks ago. On Hwy 86 headed back towards Mecca there was a permanent checkpoint set up with the border patrol, as I rolled by, the infrared camera snapped a photo of me.
There's also a camera on Hwy 97 south abouth 15 miles north of Klamath Falls that snaps a photo also.
Scale crossing photo tagging technology...
Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Scooter Jones, Jul 10, 2016.
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Hell they have them on I17, I10 both directions and at freeway speed!
Roanoke, Knoxville (Especially this one... they can and do scan for nuclear material for example) Maryland and so on etc. Most of the time Im not concerned about it. SMILE!
Talked with the Aurora scale lady a few weeks back asking about the camera and if it was actually doing what they wanted out of it. Turns out the main reason behind it was due to CRST team trucks (mostly them but other team trucks of course), drivers [using the term very loosely] would "adjust" their logs and not be the actual driver at the controls crossing the scales...without photo evidence, ORDOT couldn't prove that the individual was not legal on hours to be at the wheel. It snowballed from that intent. They clear their data in the 4th week of the month, which is why the scale is closed towards the end of the month...it's a very detailed procedure, not due to budget.
The Ashland NB scale also takes your picture when you enter or go by the scale open or closed
1. My carrier is Oregon based, our compliance person gets ORDOT's records of scale crossings weekly, if our logbook doesn't match we hear about it. If Ashland took my picture when they're closed, I would have heard about it more than once.
2. A few posts back you said that Cottonwood shares information with Oregon. Exactly what information and how is the sharing facilitated?otherhalftw Thanks this. -
otherhalftw and double yellow Thank this.
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