Scale crossing photo tagging technology...
Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Scooter Jones, Jul 10, 2016.
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rabbiporkchop Thanks this.
I 24 scale on 117 mile East bound and west bound has camera.
I was driving I-10 to Houston last week. At a picnic area near Sealy, Tx i spotted a white box trailer parked on the grass near the end of the picnic area merge ramp. Same size as a small U-Haul trailer but it loks like it's made of wood and painted white.
What got my attention was the open panel in the front with two cameras inside. The opening was only 6 or 8 inches wide and all the way across the front wall of the trailer and i could see what looked like license plate readers watching I-10 traffic.
I saw a post where someone thought they had no money for cameras, if you really want a scare, research the "Skynet Program" online.
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