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Discussion in 'Schneider' started by TennMan, Dec 14, 2011.

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  1. moosc

    moosc Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Lincolnton NC
    Celadon sits just as much SNI just more. Speed isn't every thing.

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  3. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    Boss, just let it ride. I don't know how long you've been with SNI, but the truth is, Celadon won't be that much different.
    I got frustrated myself, but instead, I went Choice........I start in a couple of weeks.
    Frankly, I can't wait to get away from these dipschitts.
    The way I've got it figured, it's tough dispatching 30 +/- guys, but dispatching 1 (me) won't be a problem at all.

    Good luck, brother. And believe me, as most people will tell you, it's no better elsewhere, just different colored trucks.
    Hang in there man......
    BossOutlaw88 and ricecakeftw Thank this.
  4. stevep1977

    stevep1977 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I was just reading over on the Celedon forums and that place sounds like a POS lol. I'd think about it more than just 66 mph trucks. Actually, I did see a recent post on there that said they turned the trucks back to 62 recently. Maybe the driver you talked to has avoided this so far? Or hasn't been in the shop yet to get turned back? Or maybe they forgot? Do research before you go there.
    ricecakeftw Thanks this.
  5. dieselfuelonly

    dieselfuelonly Road Train Member

    Nov 12, 2012
    Chapel Hill, NC
    I know how you feel man, I know it all too well. I got a new DBL now, only been with this new one for a couple weeks but nothing has changed.

    I get a P&G load out of Greensboro NC headed up to PA. Arrive at P&G, pickup number good, destination address on bills don't match... Gotta call in and get it sorted out. Oh the phones are still going to Green Bay. On hold for 30 minutes. Some guy answers and I can hear the snot dripping out of his nose and feel it splattering against my face as he coughs loudly into the phone. I tell him whats going on. Sit on hold for 15 more minutes. Finally he gets back to me telling me to go to the destination on the bills, not the one on the Qualcomm. I ask if the routing and destinations will be updated on the QC. He says yes.

    Go back in, grab trailer, roll out. Nothing has updated on the QC yet. Oh well, throw the address on the bills into my GPS and head North.

    2 hours later, still no update on the QC for my routing or destination. WTF. Call in, get my DBL. Ask why nothing has been updated. She asks why I'm going to a different address. I explain what happened. She puts me on hold for 10 minutes. Then gets back to me and says no, I need to go to the original address on the Qualcomm. Chastises me for not calling in immediately when the phones transfer to local OC's to talk with her about this, and for not remembering the name of the support shift guy who told me where to go. I'm now going to be 100 miles out of route on a short run. She says she adds a routing point so I'll get paid for it. I doubt it.

    Next load - deliver to one place, then pick up a relay. Relay is headed on a nice long run, do I get to run it? No, I get to run it 19 miles down the road to the OC for some other guy to run. Doing the dirty work for someone else. Awesome. Then, try to find an empty. Every trailer in the lot is sealed or OOS. Finally find one older empty, but its gonna have to work. Hook up to it, go through workflow, it puts trailer on me. Literally pushing in my brake knobs when another driver pulls up beside me saying that he was assigned this empty and this is his 4th try at a place to get one. We talk, he tells me to just take it, I can tell by the look on his face he's not BSing about this being his 4th try, I know that feeling, I decide to let him take it. I call in to get it off me. Get told by the weekend DBL that he can't take it off me until I find another empty to put on me. Look around, still nothing. Mechanic rolls out of shop with one. Chase him down, get on this one. Call DBL back, get the trailer on me. Try to leave the gate - nope, won't let me out cause the trailer was still not on me. Yeah right. Reverse from gate, go to shop, check and make sure trailer is released and good to go. He says it is. Call DBLs back again. Different DBL this time. Other DBL never put this trailer on me even though he said he did. Finally get out of gate and arrive at customer 10 minutes late. What should have been a 30 minute live load took 2 and a half hours. Another day wasted.

    Past couple of days, nothing but 275 mile runs, live loads and unloads on both ends. Just the kind of runs where you just barely don't have enough time to set your NAT as available for the remainder of the day, because God knows it'll take you 3 tries to find a decent empty, so you burn up little increments of times that you could actually be driving if you would have had a longer run.

    Like today. Beverage load to Kroger DC. Show up with plenty of time to spare, go in the gate. Get sent to the other gate. Get told to move truck. Go in, show paperwork, wait. 10 minutes later backed up to the dock. Its about 0845. Sit. All day. ALL DAY. 7 AND A HALF HOURS LATER, THEY FINALLY FINISH UNLOADING me. Go in to get bills. Get asked where the TCH check is for the lumper fee. Lumpers? No one told me they were using a lumper service. Nothing in QC, nothing on bills, etc. Go back to truck, call Green Bay to get approval... hope they don't say no, ITS A LITTLE LATE NOW. Computer systems down as usual, takes 3x longer than it should to get the numbers. Finally get it approved, go back in. Ask him to sign for in and out times since I've been there all day. He says he can't but gate guards can. Go to gate. Gate guard says, I quote, "I'll write the times on your bills, but I'm not going to sign for it, I'ts not my ########## job".

    ricecakeftw, g.o.a.l and BossOutlaw88 Thank this.
  6. moosc

    moosc Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Lincolnton NC
    It will never end as long as your in trucking, doesn't matter your company your with. As Kroger yeah there a pia to deal with. 5 years or more it was way worse. When it comes to lumpers just call SNI LUMPER line they'll get the check approved then will up date your task with LUMPER info. As for that empty deal since you where already hooked n booked on it you should have stayed hooked to it. Drivers are not actually assigned a trailer any more they just throw a number on your task and hope it's not taken yet. Secondly all you had to do was go back to empty ask and redo it. Delete that trailer number then add the new one QC will update faster then dbl you

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
    EggoTrucker Thanks this.
  7. BossOutlaw88

    BossOutlaw88 Road Train Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    It's looking a little better now. I just got a 990 mile load, but it picks up on Tuesday. That's good so I can get a 34 in before pickup. I think trucking is only going to get better once I get at least two years experience so I can go drive the local bomb trucks that run 75MPH in Alabama.

    Sent from my HTC ONE courtesy of Tapatalk.
  8. ricecakeftw

    ricecakeftw Light Load Member

    Oct 2, 2012
    welcome to trucking lol
  9. ricecakeftw

    ricecakeftw Light Load Member

    Oct 2, 2012
    I 2nd on the riding it out part. Every company has its ups and downs and what your going through is nothing new and is part of the industry. I've only been driving for 7 months and at least 2-3 times a month I will have something from my QC going out, to crap going on with dispatch and support shift. I except it to happen, just not all the time, but when it does, I just ride it out. Celadon, I heard is pretty rough gig. Yeah alot of these companies hook you up with nice rigs and stuff but in reality they are no better and the human factor is still there. If your going to make the switch, try out Interstate. Right now freight is slow, been sitting here since yesterday in Sactown at the 49er truck stop, makes sense, Memorial day weekend is a 4 day weekend and alot of people got it off. Which means logstic op's are at a standstill. Seen the same trucks here for almost 20+ hours. Its part of the game, learn how to play it especially when things aren't bright. This is coming from a rookie :)
  10. BossOutlaw88

    BossOutlaw88 Road Train Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    I know. I'm gonna stay until I get my experience to run local tanker.

    Sent from my HTC ONE courtesy of Tapatalk.
  11. ricecakeftw

    ricecakeftw Light Load Member

    Oct 2, 2012
    my goal is to go IC choice.
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