Schneider chat room - Closed see new thread linked in the last post

Discussion in 'Schneider' started by TennMan, Dec 14, 2011.

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  1. mickeyrat

    mickeyrat Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2011
    on my 30 min break
    Watch out for Flying Deer Crossing!!!!!

    seen some really horrific afterwards stuff which I wont get into. Today though was a real Wtf?!?!?! moment. Travelling wb on I 94. 2 lanes each direction, about a mile or so from my exit for final stop on this route. Tractor/trailer headed opposite direction. All the sudden I see what turns out to be a deer on an upwards arc coming from the eb lanes. By the time it was in front of my truck it was at least 14 feet in the air. Kinda like it was spinning on its side. Landed at the edge of the berm where it meets the grass. Musta traveled airborne for at least 40 feet. Hadnt moved when I came back through headed back towards home.
    ricecakeftw Thanks this.
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  3. BossOutlaw88

    BossOutlaw88 Road Train Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    I have TX endorsements now. I need at least two years experience. Eight more months to go.

    Sent from my HTC ONE courtesy of Tapatalk.
  4. stevep1977

    stevep1977 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Seen some crazy #### the other day. Was driving south on I-79 from Erie, PA. All of a sudden a deer just darted out from nowhere right in front of the car in front of me. The thing literally jumped like 10 feet in the air right over the the car and avoided getting hit. And PETA wants us to not shoot these stupid deer.
  5. jeff7739

    jeff7739 Light Load Member

    Apr 12, 2012
    DBL's are a joke the bonus program is ########. Company speed limit is 60? Yeah? Well ill do 64. I'm not aloud idling? Really? Too bad I'm gonna do it. They #### everyone of you drivers more than you think. Put on a professional appearance? What does that even mean? Especially if you don't require uniforms. I think Schneider is a cheap worthless company. They pay there drivers like we're cotton pickets in a field in Mississippi it's some ####. I get a load from Gary to drive 60 miles to downtown Chicago but behind it is a 750 mile run to GA now why would I sit all day in Chicago when I got that long run? Well it'll only take a few hours. Oh really? 14 hours is just a "few hours"?! #######
  6. jakecat22

    jakecat22 Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

    I parked tonight at 1900. 34 miles away from my appointment tomorrow morning. Last place to stop before getting there. Are they saying I should Leave for my 0900 appointment at 0500 and sit for 3 hours till the facility opens, burning up my 14? Really? Ok, let me do that, because if I do, I won't be able to deliver my next load because my 14 will run out before I get there.

    Whoever put that up should be fired.
  7. jeff7739

    jeff7739 Light Load Member

    Apr 12, 2012

    HAHA that's Schneider for ya! I do what I want. Sorta. I'm so tired of there ###### nonsense. It's some people who make this company look horrible but some make it worth being here.
  8. jakecat22

    jakecat22 Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    I don't know if that is "Schneider" per say, because no one has ever told me to do anything as stupid as that. No one questions when or how I run or how long my breaks are as long as I get the load there on time. My DBL has never questioned my breaks or anything like that. I am sure there are some people in the company like that, but you won't find a company that doesn't have a few idiots.
  9. jeff7739

    jeff7739 Light Load Member

    Apr 12, 2012

    Im on my second dbl and 6 or 7th truck. And when the weekend comes up and he haven't sent me anything I ask if he's got any loads because I'm not sitting all weekend and his reply is " 1. If you updated your eta and NAT you have a load (which I did but some odd reason it changes itself) 2. I don't plan loads and 3. You'll sit there as long as I tell you too." And this is the kinda person you wanna work for?
  10. Rado101

    Rado101 Bobtail Member

    May 26, 2013
    Hi,i like to know,if i can have multiply trucks on choice program. Or stay on that choice and have multiply trucks on regular IC board. Thank you.
  11. 48Packard

    48Packard Ol' Two-stop Shag!

    Apr 19, 2009
    Could be anywhere
    Several years ago, when I was still at SNI, there was a brief (very brief) period when drivers would get a QC message if they were parked for over 12 hours. The message, if I remember correctly, mentioned this fact and told the driver to call his or her DBL. I got this message once, and called in. My DBL didn't have much patience for this crap either, and apparently SNI got a lot of resistance to this because in the matter of perhaps a week or so, the messages were gone. In my case, I only got it once.
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