Schneider chat room - Closed see new thread linked in the last post

Discussion in 'Schneider' started by TennMan, Dec 14, 2011.

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  1. MtnTideRooster

    MtnTideRooster Bobtail Member

    Oct 5, 2011
    See, carry a few trash bags @ all times, ya never know when ya got a chance for some venison... Gotta love deer crossing

    • :biggrin_25523:
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  3. oragonads

    oragonads Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2011
    The Pacific Northwest
    Well, took a side job with a local company that a bud of mine works at. Left Oregon early yesterday morning to go pick up some equipment 480 miles away in Montana and bring it back. I was planning on getting home late yesterday evening but due to problems getting trip permits we didn't get back until 05:30 this morning. Its now 06:00 and I'm scheduled to return to work at 08:00. I've been awake now for 42 hours. Due to the computer system down I have no idea if I have a load on me, or what the appointments are, or if it can be taken off me so I can get some sleep. Supposedly its supposed to be back up at around 06:30, and I'll have to call back in. I wouldn't be dealing with this #### right now if I had the 8 days off I should have had.
  4. oragonads

    oragonads Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2011
    The Pacific Northwest
    Wow, turns out I don't have a load on me. Normally I'd be pissed considering I've been off for 6 days but given my current situation it actually works out perfect since I got to push my nat out until 17:00.
  5. Klatu

    Klatu Road Train Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    Argyle, TX
    That statement would only pass through my ears one time. I don't take that from anyone. Screw the "Dumb Butt Looney's".
  6. 48Packard

    48Packard Ol' Two-stop Shag!

    Apr 19, 2009
    Could be anywhere
    Similar to what I was told by a "supervisor" at Crete this past Monday (a holiday, so perhaps he was a management wannabe): "You get home when you get home....that's trucking".

    Uh, isn't, at least in a blanket-statement sort of way. If a company and driver can't work together (or, more accurately, are not allowed to work together) for the benefit of both, then it's not worth being there.

    Which is why by the first of the year, I will no longer be a company driver anywhere.
    stevep1977 and teddy_bear6506 Thank this.
  7. Klatu

    Klatu Road Train Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    Argyle, TX
    "That's Right". These people I work for now answer the phone after 3 or 4 rings. They are nice to me. I'm getting twice the miles I was getting over the road. No orientation either. Ryder does everything by fax or Fed Ex. No gosh dog DOG. I like it. All I have to do is call in a 6 on weeknight. They tell me my trip. I lucked out on this one.
    48Packard Thanks this.
  8. jakecat22

    jakecat22 Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    No, I would never work for someone like that. Like I said, there are idiots everywhere, sounds like you got one of them. Do what I did when I had an idiot for a DBL about a year and a half ago, have a meeting with your OC boss, sit down and discuss it. Worked for me, got a new DBL and been peaches and cream ever since. Sounds like you have a DBL with a god complex, and you need to fire him and get a new one. But I refuse to acknowledge that what you are saying is typical Schneider. I don't have that problem, I know tons of drivers that don't have that problem, and when we do have a problem like that, we discuss it with the right people and get it resolved.
    BlueSparrow and Dipschitt Thank this.
  9. stevep1977

    stevep1977 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Sounds like your DBL is trying to set you up as the incompetent one to cover his/her own ###. Either that or you really don't have a clue how to set a NAT Lol.

    One thing that I find annoying about the ETA system is whenever they send out a modified dispatch. Whenever they enter routing points or if you can't find an empty and the send you a new assignment after you accept the original assignment, it changes around your ETAs and that screws up your ETA percentage. I guess there are ways around that though...

    Talk to your ops manager and respectfully say that you aren't happy with your current DBL and would like to be reassigned.
    Last edited: May 30, 2013
    BlueSparrow Thanks this.
  10. stevep1977

    stevep1977 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Sieg Heil Mein Furher
  11. jeff7739

    jeff7739 Light Load Member

    Apr 12, 2012

    I know how to set a NAT the problem is people behind the scenes change it also. If I set my NAT for a Thursday at 0800 and I get a call while I'm at home saying what are you Doug you have a load why haven't you went and picked it up? That's there problem.
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