Schneider to ACT - yes, another ACT thread :)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by BlackLions, May 28, 2012.

  1. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    Anyone looking to talk to Marsha @ Act recruiting - 816-550-0001 is her cell phone. If she doesn't answer please leave a voicemail or text message her and she'll help you out ASAP. 😉
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  3. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    Who's going to be at the truck show? (MATS).
  4. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    At the MATS show ! 😉
  5. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    3 days at the show, fun times, still can't feel my feet. Much different than the Dallas show. Wanted to see the Tailgater satellite people but they didn't come to this one.

    Overall good times but don't think I need to go to another truck show for couple years.
  6. krishamo32

    krishamo32 Bobtail Member

    Apr 29, 2014
    Hi Blacklions, You still work in the same company or change it. What kind of company ACT.

    Addison IL Locksmith
  7. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    Yup, still here at ACT... just got bored with posting every day on the thread. I'll post here and there in other people's threads. Doing good with the lease being done next year.
    kkiesznowski Thanks this.
  8. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    Wow... almost a year since I've posted here. Yes, I'm still at ACT if anyone cares, going on three years. Truck almost paid off later this year. Just came back from a taking some winter time off, refreshed and ready to roll again. ;)
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