Schneider Wage Freeze

Discussion in 'Schneider' started by hlaird, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. hlaird

    hlaird Light Load Member

    Nov 16, 2007
    Memphis, TN
    After turning down governor's from 63 to 60 and not putting them back up when fuel prices were cut in half, after outsourcing payroll, after repealing wage increases, after closing down the Schneider school that has been open for decades and only hiring drivers with 6 months or more of experience, Schneider National has decided to put a wage freeze on all associates, supposedly including everyone up to the top. Anyone due for a raise will not receive one.

    Also starting March 1st new new hires will be paid less than current new hires. Layover and breakdown pay will decrease from 80-100$ to 65$. Also the company will only pay into 401k plans at the end of the year instead of every pay period.

    The standard is being lowered and lowered. No one wants to buy anything because they don't know when their next pay cut is. And you know the next thing they're going to go after is vacation pay. Now if people are too scared to buy anything, that means Schneider will be doing less business hauling freight. If Schneider pay us less, we will have even less to turn around and put money into the economy. The cycle feeds on itself. Barack Obama's fear regime is scaring people into accepting any job they can possibly get for whatever wage and teaching them to be thankful while the rich continue to get richer. We're setting the bar to a new low every month and the only way to stop it is to instill confidence that we don't have to be afraid.

    What these execs don't get is every penny they cut out of our pay is just another penny less they would make on hauling freight.
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  3. Mortar Man

    Mortar Man Road Train Member

    Dec 16, 2008
    Can't blame them on the school they can pick and choose whom they want..
    Agree the rest most part
  4. JSmitty

    JSmitty Light Load Member

    Feb 22, 2009
    Midland Tx
    No wonder I avoid the big companies nowdays.
  5. Cybergal

    Cybergal Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    Trucking firm imposes pay freeze
  6. heyns57

    heyns57 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    near Kalamazoo Speedway
    The beauty of the free enterprise system is flexibility. Companies cut back during a recession, and survive to fight again another day. On the flip side, the free enterprise system is brutal to individuals who get laid off. That is when the safety net should lesson the fall, or provide retraining when industries are becoming obsolete. Would you rather have cradle to grave socialism? In the past, we chose the opportunities and personal freedoms of free enterprise. Now, we are becoming aware of the extreme divide between the working poor and the upper class. We have free enterprise with a progressive system and some regulation. It needs to be fine tuned, again. It bugs me when employed people complain about missed vacation pay, postponed raises, etc. What would it be like if your employer disappeared?
  7. Alabamaspirit

    Alabamaspirit Light Load Member

    You want me to tell you?
  8. hlaird

    hlaird Light Load Member

    Nov 16, 2007
    Memphis, TN
    Gee, I dunno. Selective socialism for banks and the auto industry and home owners and reckless states when they make a string of stupid and/or greedy decisions and mess everything up seems to working pretty well for the US right now. :biggrin_2554:

    What would it be like if our employers disappeared? Let me see. Maybe we would ban together starting in the bread lines and form riots and start chopping off Wall Street heads and leave a clear resounding message. That instead of laying down and being ####### and graciously accepting any pay at all we can get, we would teach these people a lesson that we're not to be ###### with. That the same justice standard that we so readily apply to the working man also applies to the guys at the top. Maybe we should stop paying taxes and thereby refuse to pay for dinner parties and private jets of corporate heads who ruined this country. The thing you people don't get is they have done more damage to the US than 9/11. They've done worse than Al-Quaeda ever dreamed of. And you're paying them off gladly.
    walleye and Mamatiger Thank this.
  9. heyns57

    heyns57 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    near Kalamazoo Speedway
    What prevents revolution is the illusion that we can change things with "one man, one vote." Once we realize that money trumps our vote, we become another banana republic.
  10. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    Schenider CEO testified to a House Transportation Committee that he was paying wages less than they were back in 1980 . I guess that was too much . What will Schneider drivers get now , 1960 wages ?
  11. Mortar Man

    Mortar Man Road Train Member

    Dec 16, 2008
    Schneider national ..... Freeze per OOIDA / landline

    Schneider national is to freeze all pay raises due to a SLUGISH Economy...
    Landline confirms ...
    Freight volume from last year is right at the same and profits were up over 8.3 million from this time last year... (at schneider)

    So why the pay freeze?

    Taking advantage of the over all outlook and current economic situation ?

    You decide......
    walleye Thanks this.
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