
Discussion in 'Schneider' started by Ryan0077, Oct 26, 2023.

  1. Ryan0077

    Ryan0077 Light Load Member

    Oct 10, 2023
    What are some Pros and Cons of Schneider and what experiences you had at that company?
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  3. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
  4. Cat sdp

    Cat sdp . .

    Apr 8, 2012
    Orion's Belt
    Landstar……is better
    Savor the Flavor and Ryan0077 Thank this.
  5. Ryan0077

    Ryan0077 Light Load Member

    Oct 10, 2023
    Landstar isn't one of the companies the CDL School works with.

    Werner, Schneider, TMC Transport, May Trucking, US Xpress, McElroy, HO Wolding, Averitt, and Trans AM are all the companies they work with. just trying to find some pros and cons on all the companies just so I don't make a mistake and go to the wrong one and be miserable.
    Gearjammin' Penguin and Cat sdp Thank this.
  6. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    Well, Schneider is a mega, to begin with. But it seems to operate more friendly.
    99% of the folks in Green Bay are as nice as you can imagine. That said, your local dispatcher might be an ignorant ###.
    People always say, tell on them, but you never do because you're frightened that you'll loose your job. (You won't).
    I hated being a company driver, mostly its a personality thing. When I started I was 50 years old and had been in the trucking business for 20+ years and I thought I knew better.
    Then I became an IC, and I loved every minute.
    Then I went back to being a company driver and hated every moment.

    In short, if I had to do it all over again, I'd go to Schneider. It's like I told my recruiter for IC, "Schneider is like the girl you never wanted to date, but once you did, you're like, that wasn't too bad."

    Highly recommend. Good luck.
  7. gentleroger

    gentleroger Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2010
    Consistent freight, easy processes (once you know them), lots of ocs and drop lots.

    Pay is middle of the road overall, but depending on where you live it can be excellent or the Pitts.

    Training is best in industry - particularly if you go tanker.

    At worst, it's a good place to get your feet wet. At best you might find a home.
  8. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    Like I said, it's like the girl you never wanted to date, and once you do, you're like, well that wasn't so bad.
  9. Ryan0077

    Ryan0077 Light Load Member

    Oct 10, 2023
    Folks in Green Bay might be nice until they hear I'm a Vikings fan lol. Thanks for all of that. I definitely wanna do as much research on companies before I change from owning a landscaping business to full time trucking to eventually wanna attempt being an owner operator. Yes big goals for a 20 year old lol
    Old_n_gray and Lonesome Thank this.
  10. Ryan0077

    Ryan0077 Light Load Member

    Oct 10, 2023
    I live in South Carolina so no clue how pay would do
  11. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    Well give it some time and do your best at research. Looks like you've already got a good start.
    This site is a tremendous resource for freight companies. It's so frustrating when people come here AFTER they've made a bad decision.
    Take your time. Listen to what people are telling you
    One last thing, make sure that whatever trucking school you go to is acceptable to all carriers. I think it's going to be around 160 hours. But take your time and look it up.

    I wish you nothing but the very best.
    Holla back if you need anything. Almost everyone here will be willing to help.

    Good luck.
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