
Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by killie11, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. killie11

    killie11 Bobtail Member

    Jun 25, 2008
    nm it was my fault. lol it was the popup blocker:biggrin_2555::biggrin_25521::biggrin_255:
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  3. thestoryteller

    thestoryteller Medium Load Member

    Mar 18, 2008
    Kern County, California
    Hey! :biggrin_25525: You kept at it and figured it out! :biggrin_25514:

    Can you tell I get tired of people who give up after something doesn't work right the first time??? :biggrin_2559:
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2008
  4. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    If at first y'all don't succeed
    the hail with it.


    Do not do today, what you can
    put off 'till tomorrow.
  5. thestoryteller

    thestoryteller Medium Load Member

    Mar 18, 2008
    Kern County, California
    Found out it was okay to post a link to the DMV website page for the hazmat information (but can't post the SNI one).............

    So here is California DMV commerical license information:

    Happy :biggrin_25519:
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  6. Ken Worth

    Ken Worth Medium Load Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    Great Plains
    When the Old Geezer did 20 years as an Airman (I sounds like something out of a dang funnybook) He wasn't allowed to have the family with him for at least a couple years. I don't know how the Army does it, but I suspect it's the same if not worse.I doubt your family's gonna go to Afganistan with you. You'd be better off with a good rider program.
  7. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    How could you forget US?!
    I'm crushed. :biggrin_2557: :biggrin_25525:
    I was gonna offer to help, but it sounds like y'all have the wood covered.
    :director:~~~ I hear ya there!
    I think the no-idle laws and rules are a concern for MANY drivers.
    Consider your options carefully if heat will be an issue.
    But, if I were you, I'd be tempted to give 'er a try runnin' the mid-west and south-west.
    Maybe Florida.
    You might be surprised at the difference.

    I live in SoCal --- where the heat is "DRY".
    It's in the high 90's here today, and it ain't bad to be in --- but not sleepin' in a VERY hot Big truck interior.
    And it might be prudent at this time to seek companies with clean burning engines with no legal idling restrictions -- but the company probably will.
    Good to know that info up front.

    And if you had the choice of running for a company which let you idle WHEN NECESSARY, no problem, -- to remain comfortable,
    or another company that paid a few cents a mile more, but strict no idling rules -- and the miles were equal -- which would you pick?
    I think if you think of it as "fun" and a challenge you INTEND to meet with success -- a (serious) fun approach will work just fine.
    It sure did for me.

    I went from dreading backing -- even straight in --- to hearing other Big truck truck drivers sayin'
    How we gonna doo dat?!
    and answerin' with "Let me show y'all".
    It's twue!
    It's twue!
    You're very welcome.
    Thanx for askin' (us).
  8. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    YeAH, but,.............
    where's 'e gonna find a "good rider"?



    You mean his WIFE! :biggrin_25523:
  9. xdbguard

    xdbguard Light Load Member

    Feb 7, 2008
    I guess for some reason the war didn't come to the top of the heap when I started thinkin about the military. Ya gotta pick a noncombat mos! And ya gotta pick a support mos that isn't needed overseas!

    well anyway, I guess I didn't have the right answer.

    About schneider.. lemme tell ya about their idle...

    I don't have exact numbers, but I can get them if you need them. I quit over idle... because I did not have a bunk heater and they kept dispatching me to the northeast. Well there are no idle laws up there. Even if I had chosen to ignore those laws, I was told by my dispatcher to lower my idle or it would become a termination issue. Remember I had no bunk heater, miles were low, and I'm in the cold northeast. My idle time was 40%.

    You know what she told me to do about it? Get a sleepingbag. I have one! I have TWO! That don't mean a dang thing when it is time to get up in the morning. That don't mean a dang thing when you get sinus pain from breathing the cold air all night. That don't mean a dang thing when you go to bed with your hair wet after a shower.

    Yea, to some it was petty. But I'm a human being. And it's time that the days of being treated like less than a convict are over.

    (thats another thread altogether)

    so, yea, I don't like their idle. but that was just my experience.
    AfterShock, Lurchgs and thestoryteller Thank this.
  10. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    That was one of my issues with Schneider, too. I just put up with it and tried my best to work around that.
    Besides, I liked the bonus in pay for keeping my idle time at a minimum.
    Just a game I learned how to play.

    One way I played the game was to become a trainee trainer, and entitled to a motel every night because we didn't have double bunks, ....... yet.
    And I learned even more by doing that.

    Then to a local, dedicated gig with NO idle restrictions.
    And I learned the "local" life wasn't for me.

    But, ................

    I think the no and/or reduced idling is a BIG issue with the companies AND drivers, and has only just begun.
    thestoryteller Thanks this.
  11. killie11

    killie11 Bobtail Member

    Jun 25, 2008
    Well thank you for the advice. If i was single i might of joined but for now my wife like the trucking idea the best so i ill stay with that:biggrin_2559: Its 49% wife 50% kids, and 1% me:biggrin_25515: Ill have to deal with the idle somehow if I go work for them, cold i can deal with but heat is another story for me.

    Oh was just looking does us xpress do their own traning?
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2008
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