SE TX companies

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by GEMM, Nov 27, 2024.

  1. tarmadilo

    tarmadilo Road Train Member

    Dec 12, 2018
    I drive out of the Dallas area yard, so most of my work is in the Midwest and West. The company’s main terminal is in Akron, Ohio, and there’s a terminal in Danville, Virginia. I know they cover Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and the Carolinas, but I’m not sure how far northeast they go.
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  3. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    Hiland Dairy (Borden) has a yard on Baldwin, right behind the Valero that's on the corner of Leopard St.

    H-E-B on Agnes between McBride and McCampbell.

    If you don't mind branching out from dry van & reefer, I can recommend several other companies around here.
    Chinatown and GEMM Thank this.
  4. GEMM

    GEMM Bobtail Member

    Nov 25, 2024
    I'm looking for no touch freight if you have any suggestions...I'm not a spring chicken lol
  5. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Get an exoskeleton and you'll be able to work as if you're 18 yrs. old again.

    Knucklehead and El Hueso Thank this.
  6. HogazWild

    HogazWild Light Load Member

    May 18, 2022
    Every JRayl driver I've seen was Russian and barely spoke english.. The last one tore up a bunch of equipment at a receiver. This is almost always a sign of a SAP company and/or trash pay. Their DOT stats are also scary
  7. tarmadilo

    tarmadilo Road Train Member

    Dec 12, 2018
    You must have J Rayl confused with another company. We have around 350 drivers, and I haven’t met any Russian or Eastern European drivers yet in my six years with the company. The owners are American, out of Akron, Ohio (Tim Rayl started the company with a partner and two trucks, hauling tires for Goodyear). Our DOT stats are excellent, too.
    buzzarddriver and lual Thank this.
  8. HogazWild

    HogazWild Light Load Member

    May 18, 2022
    They're the only company with those giant black letters with red outline on everything, plus, I was thirty-feet away when it happened. It was an old fat Russian dude with a big mustache.. He's probably still working there.. JRayL has an account with the receiver just like we do..

    Since you said something, I looked in to it more.. Not only are they a SAP company, but they are also a starter company.. They also say right on the website that their 2800 mile a week drivers average 70k a year... lol

    If you're going to puff your chest out working for a garbage company you might want to hide where you work at so people can't go look it up in less than ten minutes..
    El Hueso Thanks this.
  9. tarmadilo

    tarmadilo Road Train Member

    Dec 12, 2018
    Since I already know that everything you’ve said about J Rayl is wrong, I’ll be putting you on ignore now.
  10. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    Have you found anything yet or are you still looking?

    In this town it would really help if you had the tanker endorsement, and the hazmat endorsement too.

    I've seen Clean Harbors pulling some frac tanks around lately. I-Bar, Ingram Readymix, and Quality Ready Mix might have openings to pull a pneumatic (you don't need the tanker endorsement for that) or an end dump. GP Transport also has end dumps.
    Texasgordo Thanks this.
  11. HogazWild

    HogazWild Light Load Member

    May 18, 2022
    Not only do they hire H2-B visa Russian and Indian drivers, but they do power only with entire Russian micro fleets.. This means they under-bid freight and pay garbage; probably with layover..

    Nica Freight Company
    USDOT 2105964
    7.1% out of service

    I'm glad the green horns who obviously don't know about their own employer said something.. I'll list them as I see them indefinitely.. lol

    This stuff is kind of easily verified.. Don't try to BS, because sometimes people actually pay attention.. The Russian who tore stuff up at a receiver was company I just didn't note the truck number.. Fat Russian with big mustache and glued together right fender; someone will eventually see and report..
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2025
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