set for mcelroy oreintation

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by silverdrifter, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. GrizzlyCan2011

    GrizzlyCan2011 Light Load Member

    Nov 11, 2013
    Blanchard, LA
    I'm in the same boat, I'm also pretty nervous about the driving test. Yes there's wifi, tv, microwave, but for $123 you can have your own room for the week. We'll let me rephrase what I said. I too live about 360miles from here but it was only a 4.5 hour drive so I'll sacrifice it to go see my wife. Plus I gotta figure out how to buy a piece of property without it being listed. Lady said she would sell to me as long as I take care of the legal stuff. I said sure but problem is, I don't even know where to start. Yea, me and my wife got a lot on our plate. I think it's good for us though, teaches us to be strong in the face of adversity.
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  3. silverdrifter

    silverdrifter Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2013
    athens georgia
    cool man I really hope things work out for you and your wife . I thought my recruiter said that the hotel was running short on microwaves in the room maybe I misunderstood something there or maybe I wonder if the rooms we will get will be any different 123 a week isn't bad at all I will probably get me a room the 2nd week I just wanna make sure I get hired before I start spending money like that I know I looked up it up on google and it said I was about 5 or 6 hours away if it takes me less then 5 hours to get there I might come home for the weekend too I know I will be coming back the 2 nd weekend tho
  4. streetglider

    streetglider Medium Load Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    If you know anyone that is a realtor ask them otherwise go to the county courthouse find the property on their listing get a survey done and more than likely you will need some representation for closing Call a titling company near you. Don't worry about the driving part. You proved yourself in school this is just an extension of that. Relax have a good time and don't nut up.
  5. silverdrifter

    silverdrifter Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2013
    athens georgia
    does that go for me too lol I can drive but I still grind when I down shift but I know with more practice I will get better
  6. streetglider

    streetglider Medium Load Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    Yes of course. While your downshifting specially while floating just ease up on Rpms and slight pressure on gear shift. Don't pat the accelerator. Slips in every time. There will always be a occasional grind but downshifting can be mastered.
  7. Jeff King

    Jeff King Bobtail Member

    Jan 12, 2014
    Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia
    My orientation is may u think it would hurt u if u get your own hotel room.might be a bad attitude thing with them.
  8. silverdrifter

    silverdrifter Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2013
    athens georgia
    I wouldn't think that would be a bad thing at all after all your saving them money lol
    now if you start having problems with your trainer and ask for new ones that might think badly about that
  9. Jeff King

    Jeff King Bobtail Member

    Jan 12, 2014
    Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia
    I'm going to get my own room just not sure about people these days.
  10. silverdrifter

    silverdrifter Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2013
    athens georgia
    you guys act like there something wrong with everyone lol
  11. Jeff King

    Jeff King Bobtail Member

    Jan 12, 2014
    Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia
    Not comfortable with someone I don't know sleeping in same room as me and if they snore or listen to TV loud can't
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