Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Cones, May 14, 2024.

  1. Cones

    Cones Bobtail Member

    Jul 11, 2023
    That is what I was I was told by a 30 plus year Tanker driver who I told my story about being hired and fired by PTL Trucking located in Murray , Kentucky.
    The training was horrible. A very nasty vile driver who I was told was their “Top Mentor”.
    He constantly yelled and cursed at me when I was driving even for anything minor like leaving a piece of paper on the dash or hanging a bag on my seat.
    He had unbelievable road rage. He would pull in front of cars he was angry at and slam on the brakes.
    He might bath every four or five days. His truck was filthy.
    When I called my wife he gave me no privacy and would tell dirty jokes to offend her and thought “it was funny”.
    All my driving was forward. I was never allowed to backup at the terminals.
    The last day of training he took me to a parking lot full of trailers and had me back up a few times between empty trailers.
    When I was put in my own truck I found out quickly that my training was inadequate. Moving around and backing up at terminals was impossible
    I called in and requested more training backing up and was denied.
    The GPS and clock training was way inadequate.
    The “instructor” ran through the training and got angry at simple questions.
    On the road the GPS would glitch and start directing me in large circles. I would have to pull over and call in to have the GPS reset which would make me late. I don’t remember the term but it’s when you drive the truck off duty. Twice they had me drive the truck off duty to get my load to the terminal.
    I was terminated for hitting an overpass and I take full responsibility for that but the Company contributed to the situation.
    I was supposed to pickup an empty trailer and take it in for repair. The pickup and drop off addresses were backwards so I showed up at the repair facility first. When I called in they told me I was at the wrong place reset the addresses and told me to hightail it to the company where the trailer was supposed to be located.
    When I arrived the office told me no such trailer was there but they had a second yard that it might be located. On the way to the second yard a fleet manager called me and told me that the trailer had already been picked up and I was sent there by mistake. It was about 10:30 at night.
    I had like 15 minutes left to drive and the closest truck stop was 25 miles away so I called the yard I just left and they said I could park there for the night. I reset the GPS to take me back to the first yard. It took me through town down a hill with a railroad overpass.
    It had a sign 12.5 feet. I was told at orientation that my truck was 11.5.
    I stopped and got out and looked and it appeared I would fit. I couldn’t back up it was up hill into an intersection with a traffic light so I eased up to the bridge and it hit. I freaked out and called in and told the fleet manager what had happened and the situation I was in. He stated that other drivers had done far worse and I would be reprimanded but it would be ok. I told him I wanted to call the local police to help me back out and he agreed. They helped me back up the hill and escorted safely to the yard.
    like I said I take responsibility but I was dog tired and panicky because I had run out of driving time.
    Two days later I was driving a load and was called to go to a “safe parking place”. I drove to the closest truck stop. I was called,terminated and told to leave the truck.
    I asked what about my gear and was told it would be put in boxes and I could pick it up at the Company warehouse. I was told I would get a bus ticket home but I was on my own to to get to the bus terminal. I was 500 miles from home and 30 miles from the bus terminal. If I hadn’t had money on me I would have been stranded. I paid $251 dollars for a taxi ride to the terminal. I was stranded at the bus terminal for 6 hours ended up calling PTL and raised hell. They took me to a hotel
    The next morning I rented a car for $350, drove back to the truck stop and stuffed all my gear including a refrigerator in the rent car and drove home. Like I was told by an experienced truck driver. I was set up to fail.
    Ps haven’t been able to get a job.
    Lonesome and bryan21384 Thank this.
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  3. Antinomian

    Antinomian Road Train Member

    Feb 17, 2013
    I don't believe that.
    gentleroger, AModelCat and bryan21384 Thank this.
  4. Cones

    Cones Bobtail Member

    Jul 11, 2023
    Well. I can’t prove it. There were no markings on the truck. I went back through my orientation paper work and there’s nothing in writing. I actually asked and remember someone saying 11.5.
    Like I said I hit the bridge it was my fault.
    Lonesome Thanks this.
  5. Thrasher28

    Thrasher28 Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2021
    Bowling Green, KY
    That's rough, man. The overpass thing happened and you owned up to it, so that's a step forward. And it sounds like you didn't tear the roof out of a truck/trailer, so it's relatively minor compared to some bridge strikes.

    Sucks that they let psychos train new drivers. You end up focusing more on not getting screamed at for pedantic things than you do actually learning.

    Don't lose hope on trucking completely yet. It's a bad time to be trying to get hired anywhere as a new driver with a blemish.

    Unless there's more to the story, I think them terminating you was a little extreme, if all you did was lightly tap a bridge. With all the market troubles, maybe they were just looking for a way to cut down the fleet size a bit and you just happened to make that error at a bad time.

    My view is: if a company provides poor training, they should extend some leniency for minor screw ups. The fact you only lightly tapped the bridge, called for police assistance, and were concerned about the quality of your training shows that you were taking it seriously and weren't just carelessly driving a truck. 13'6 is the magic number that everyone should know and Google is your friend, but the overwhelming environment, poor planning by dispatch, and inadequate training surely didn't help matters.

    Just keep your head up and stay persistent on the job hunt. You're not doomed and PTL is not the norm for trucking once you get further along in your career.
  6. Cones

    Cones Bobtail Member

    Jul 11, 2023
    Thanks for the reply. I would like to go back to work. I would prefer to go through training again with a decent trainer
  7. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
  8. Cones

    Cones Bobtail Member

    Jul 11, 2023
    You know Thrasher 28 it’s funny you mentioned a blemish.
    The damage to the truck was cosmetic. There was no accident report. My driving record is clean. I’m just being badmouthed by PTL who set me up in the first place.
    Lonesome and Thrasher28 Thank this.
  9. Thrasher28

    Thrasher28 Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2021
    Bowling Green, KY
    Yeah that sucks. I thought you might habe put a hole in a sleeper roof or something. Half of the mega carrier trucks have the fairings tore off, so you're definitely not the first new guy to make a mistake. I've only been terminated once, but they were nice enough to report it neutrally and not bad mouth, thankfully.
    bryan21384 Thanks this.
  10. Pepper24

    Pepper24 Road Train Member

    Dec 3, 2010
    Try to get a job at home food service,soft drink companies beer companies.Stay in an area you’re familiar with until you get some experience.Really these companies pay just as much if not more than beginning OTR jobs
  11. snowmantrucking101

    snowmantrucking101 Heavy Load Member

    Mar 8, 2017
    You should run your reports. They may have put you under "abandoned truck/load". That is unheard of to ...leave truck & trailer loaded at a truck stop and clean it out. That "company" has gone down hill bad the last year or so. Should be put on a AVOID this company list evidently.
    hope not dumb twucker Thanks this.
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