Should I add endorsements? Will it be beneficial?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Jbrown87, Dec 1, 2024.

  1. Accidental Trucker

    Accidental Trucker Road Train Member

    Jun 4, 2015
    I'm confused. You like where you are, you are getting paid quite well (especially considering today's labor market), you like your schedule, you are getting steady raises and have a path to six figures in a relatively short time.

    What in the world do you think you are missing out on?
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  3. Jbrown87

    Jbrown87 Light Load Member

    Nov 7, 2023
    I think that’s why I was asking to see what you guys think I think I have fomo (fear of missing out) an I am always thinking of evolving and doing better but I can really see myself staying loooong term , wanted to see what other more experienced drivers thought
  4. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    It's not that tough. Just study the test on this site, and go and take the test......probably won't take an hour. There is no 'skills' test, only a written (computer) test.
  5. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    There’s one saying my MIL was always fond of.

    “The grass may be greener on the other side, but it’s still grass”.
  6. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    I think you have a good plan.
    broke down plumber Thanks this.
  7. Blu_Ogre

    Blu_Ogre Road Train Member

    Jul 14, 2013
    Out west
    My pops was always fond of pointing out the grass is usually greener over the septic field.......

    Find your flavor of crap that you can put up with and stick with it.
  8. Blu_Ogre

    Blu_Ogre Road Train Member

    Jul 14, 2013
    Out west
  9. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Can I ask a question and you be honest about it WITH YOURSELF?

    The question is this - are you happy with that company?

    If you are, just do what you are doing with who you are doing it with.

    Nothing wrong with you getting a hazmat endorsement, or other endorsements but going somewhere else right now if you are happy, well it may end up putting you on a path of going backwards.

    All companies have problems and things drivers don't like but honestly you have to find something that works for you and if you are lucky with this one, then stick to it. Be the driver they want to keep, they want to have as their face to the customer.
  10. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    Having HazMat may allow you to make more money, but it doesn't guarantee it. Only a VERY VERY few companies will pay you extra for HazMat. It's like a college degree, just because you have it, it doesn't mean it brings more money. If you get a HM endorsement and keep working at a company that doesn't pull HM, you won't be paid to haul the same loads not that you have HM. Some of the better paying companies require HM to work for them and they pay better than WE, but the HM doesn't cause the extra money, working for a better company causes the extra pay.

    There are people in my family that never went to college and they are convinced going to college would have made them, or anyone else, more successful if they had completed college. It's a "grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence". YOU HAVE TO MAKE CHOICES THAT USE YOUR HM AND BRING EXTRA MONEY or the HM is just a letter on your CDL.

    If you love where you are at, get the HM, and search and RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH until you find not a web pae making promises and a recruiter hinting at great things, but find the drivers actually making the better pay and working in better conditions and find out everything about that job and compare it to your current job, and then put in your 2 week notice and change companies. LOTS of drivers throw away good jobs because some recruiter or web page dangles good looking bait and they bite down hard on it and find out the job is NOTHING like the web page "promised" or the recruiter "guaranteed". Web pages NEVER promise anything, they hint and you interpret that hint as a promise. The recruiters never guarantee anything. They suggest and you interpret it as a guarantee. Company web sites and recruiters are just the equivalent of a commercial for the company, read the fine print or it's your fault for believing their "promise".
    Accidental Trucker Thanks this.
  11. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    Seniority usually makes your life easier and easier at a place you already understand and are happy at. You can't buy seniority. If you are remotely happy, stay put. The bird in your hand is better than two birds in a bush, especially when the economy is slow.
    Jbrown87, Albertaflatbed and Numb Thank this.
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