sitton motor lines will let you sit and sit

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by shadowviper, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. shadowviper

    shadowviper Bobtail Member

    Jul 8, 2009
    ive been at sitton motor lines for a little over 2 years, in which time ive lost all benefits, wage compensation loss, and now because i drive for an owner operator as of the end of july i will be unemployed, along with the rest of the company drivers that drive oo trucks, i never drove a company truck at this company for the simple fact that i cant live on 30 cpm nor would i work for that with 10 years exp, now they wont even give us guys the option to even get in a co truck. ive been getting about 1000 miles a week, ive sat in ms for 8 days waiting on a load but what makes it worse we draw no layover pay, then because you do no meet their 8000 a month mile requirement for benefits even tho it isnt your fault they take away all company benefits, and if you are an o/o you are charged your base plates and permits fees. i stay out 2 months at a time and at least 3/4 of that i have been sitting waiting on freight rather than running, now with the news of me getting laid off its kinda hard to do without any money....they call themselves a christian based company, i say they are just like the rest of the a.t.a trucking companies, BACKSTABBING CUTTHROATS :biggrin_25510:
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  3. aladdin sane

    aladdin sane Medium Load Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    Towanda, Kansas
    They're on hard times like everyone else.
  4. shadowviper

    shadowviper Bobtail Member

    Jul 8, 2009
    yeah but alot of this was going on before the recession even started, did i mention the constant favortisim giving good loads to their buddies while letting everyone else starve.
  5. steelersfan

    steelersfan Medium Load Member

    May 9, 2009
    You dont even work for sitton, you work for an O/O. This O/O is the one you should be posting about.
  6. shadowviper

    shadowviper Bobtail Member

    Jul 8, 2009
    no its sitton i get the same benifets an someone in a company truck, only diffrence is is that i dont drive a slow 65 mile an hour truck for 30 cpm base rate because i have a brain, i get paid befire the o/o does by sitton, i get a w2 from sitton hence an employee got it. fact of the matter they are letting go all the drivers that drive oo trucks. which is fine to me now cause im tired of making 300 a week.
  7. steelersfan

    steelersfan Medium Load Member

    May 9, 2009
    Oh ok your post wasnt clear on that.
  8. The Challenger

    The Challenger Kinghunter

    Dec 22, 2007
    East Central FL
    Try and maintain a positive attitude. You will get a job eventually. At least having a job is better than nothing.

  9. mustang970

    mustang970 Road Train Member

    Mar 27, 2009
    So are you saying because you drive for a O/O and your truck isn't governed to 65 you do this because you have a brain? And how does your O/O pay you?
    One of your previous post said your getting 1000 miles a week, and this one says your getting 300 a week. What does that work up to be a mile? 30 cents a mile.
  10. shadowviper

    shadowviper Bobtail Member

    Jul 8, 2009
    .355 a mile if the truck was goved at 65 i wouldnt be able to maintain 7 mpg like i am doing now, as far as the mile are concerned even before the recession there have been times where i have sat and sat while the company trucks kept going, they have a buddy system in which all their friends from the jopln area get what ever they want and they give the rest of us the scraps, i know this to be true because i talk to them on a regular basis and they all show me that they are getting 3000 miles a week. as far as the comment about the 65 mile and hour and brains....only a student would think driving a 65 mph truck for 30 cpm was a deal, sitton is just one example why you never put freight on the rail...they had an established freight base and they wanted to be greedy now they have to rely on brokers...of course unless you just started driving yesterday you already knew rail and truck dont mix.
  11. Shep Shiloh

    Shep Shiloh Medium Load Member

    Feb 12, 2008
    That should be clue number one to steer clear of them. Why should a person's religious faith have anything to do with trucking? Hope your fleet owner can get you guys in with somebody really quick. Good luck.
    shadowviper Thanks this.
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