Situation on the labor market

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Borusse, Dec 6, 2023.

  1. Borusse

    Borusse Bobtail Member

    Dec 2, 2023
    Hello, I am a truck driver from Germany and would like to live in Canada.
    Maybe a few questions can be answered here.
    I have friends in BC and they said drivers are desperately needed.
    But when I read through this, everything else isn't urgent.
    That's why I have a few questions:
    Are people really more likely to be exploited and is the work usually poorly paid?
    In Canada and the USA there is always talk of a driver shortage?
    Does the CDL really cost 15,000?
    Are there reputable companies in Canada that sponsor the CDL?
    So far I have only found something like this for the USA.
    I've also seen some videos on this forum of very "risky" rides by beginners on junk vehicles. Why are people like this hired?
    Thank you for the answers.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
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  3. Iron Maiden

    Iron Maiden Light Load Member

    Apr 1, 2021
    English please.
  4. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
  5. BLBurton

    BLBurton Light Load Member

    Nov 3, 2022
    Hello, I am a truck driver from Germany and would like to live in Canada.
    Maybe a few questions can be answered here.
    I have friends in BC and they said drivers are desperately needed.
    But when I read through this, everything else isn't urgent.
    That's why I have a few questions:
    Are people really more likely to be exploited and is the work usually poorly paid?
    In Canada and the USA there is always talk of a driver shortage?
    Does the CDL really cost 15,000?
    Are there reputable companies in Canada that sponsor the CDL?
    So far I have only found something like this for the USA.
    I've also seen some videos on this forum of very "risky" rides by beginners on junk vehicles. Why are people like this hired?
    Thank you for the answers.
  6. upnorthwpg

    upnorthwpg Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    Bc and Brampton Ontario are the two sewage pits we have. Most of the companies out of these locations are owned by non Canadians and they employ non Canadians and take horrible advantage of them. Hell, I’ll say it. They outright steal from them. There is no driver shortage, there’s a shortage of companies paying drivers a decent wage.
    You have to go through the melt program. Yes it can cost upwards of 15 grand, every province has different requirements.
    Most of the companies that sponsor take advantage of drivers. If they sponsor you, they own you. You will be out 28-30 days a month for poor wages.
    Sorry to be honest.
  7. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta

    I'm pretty sure most Canadians with German last names, would rather be in Germany right now.

    This is a huge lie, that has been going on for 30 years. There is no shortage of drivers, 80% of trucking jobs are slave labour, dangerous and exploit


    Yes, some are even working for free, for years, to pay off their immigration costs.

    Lies to attract more cheap labour to the meat grinder.

    Yes it does.

    No, all the reputable companies are full, and almost never have to hire, because anyone with 3 months experience or more, knows who they are, and want to work there.

    I wouldn't work for any of those companies myself, and I'm Canadian, I could just drive there.

    Because they are cheap and desperate, there is a major truck accident in Canada, every 18 hours now, its literally carnage, esp in BC and Ontario.
    Glad to save you from the Meat Grinder.
  8. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta
    Oh and one last thing, incase anyone reading this thinks i'm being dramatic, or over exaggerating, go on Youtube, and watch some of the "Why I'm leaving Canada" Videos. A few are on trucking, but lots of crazy stories on how the Canadian Government and Big Corporations, lied and lured people from around the world to Canada, Took all their money, worked them to the bone, and then laid off, fired or deported them. Honestly some really sickening stuff, and it makes you wonder where the hell this country is going.
  9. classicxl

    classicxl Medium Load Member

    Dec 16, 2006

    I hear lots of immigrants that came to Canada are now leaving because it’s too expensive and a lot with degrees can’t get into those fields of work without basically going back to school and starting all over again . As far as living in Germany i hear it’s not all that great with the problems they’re having with immigration and blackouts because of the push for EV’s
  10. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta
    That is very true, most of the non-Canadian truck drivers who speak English's I know, came here with degrees of some kind. All ended up in Construction or Trucking from Lack of recognition/opportunity. Most of the guys who came to drive, came over for Bison/H&R/WestCan/TransX 2001-2012 (English, Irish, Polish, Romanian, German, etc etc) almost all the ones I know, have gone back home (except some real stubborn British Dudes). We actually lost most of our German/Romanian/Polish drivers at my company, as they sold their houses and left Canada.

    I have a bunch of family on my Dad's side in Munich (my Grandparents Immigrated in the 30's), and yes there are some problems with electricity and migrants, but they have much less problems with other things that we're dealing with over here. The weather and lifestyle over there is pretty rad, compared to the ho-hum, miserable, #### weather, sit at home and wait to go back to work/bankrupt life that is Canada IMHO. Right now there is a huge push to Re-Militarize Germany, into the worlds largest standing army lol (could be fun). I'm still somewhat happy with Alberta, although that melts away a little bit every day.
  11. Truckerpeteontime

    Truckerpeteontime Bobtail Member

    Dec 25, 2023
    What’s coming up for us in America is labor inflation. Over half of the baby boomers have retired and that’s the largest labor force we had. What we are finding out is that the youngest generation “the zoomers” just don’t have it in them. They’re the smallest generation we ever had and they’re the new force in the work force. If you look at the difference between the exiting boomers and the entering zoomers, we’re short 450 thousand workers this year. That number is going to increase every year for the next 10 years before peaking in 2033 to about 900 thousand. How do we know this? Because they have already been born. We have to wait until the next large generation enters the work force which is in the 2040’s. The labor inflation is going to be sticky and isn’t going away. Buckle up.
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