sleeper insulation

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by pavrom, Feb 15, 2024.

  1. pavrom

    pavrom Road Train Member

    Apr 29, 2012
    NE illinois
    here i come again , i removed everything from my kw sleeper and applied killmat where possible
    i am thinking about using froth pack spray insulation from Lowes or use dynamat dynacore 1 inch self adhesive pad on top of it , just want to hear pros and cons , suggestions
    question about dynacore dynamat : i believe it used on firewall mostly , not sure if it is going to be good for sleeper walls and ceiling?
    question about frothpack : its mostly used for not moving property , how it will work in constantly moving truck ...also have some wiring for back panel lights - probably it will be pain to replace or fix if something after application
    Vampire and silverspur Thank this.
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  3. Nostalgic

    Nostalgic Road Train Member

    Mar 6, 2017
    While the froth pack would probably be the highest R-value, it would be the most expensive and the most mess. If you do go down that road, just don't underestimate the mess, plan on it being more cost than planned, and probably not turn out nearly as nice as hoped. Dynacore over killmat will probably be the best option, while still allowing a little room under the interior panels to run wiring, etc.
    Coolbreezin, Tug Toy and pavrom Thank this.
  4. homeskillet

    homeskillet Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2013
    Dayton, OH
    What about the fire resistance of each product?.......
    Vampire and silverspur Thank this.
  5. Cdemars316

    Cdemars316 Medium Load Member

    Nov 10, 2018
    I have used the froth pack in other trailers for fish houses and that stuff, it is a huge mess but imho I am going to do it on my entire truck this summer, sleeper, cab and underneath the floor on the outside, I have seen both closed cell and open cell used, closed cell is the highest rvalue, open cell is the best at noise resistance, I am using open cell on my truck, lower rvalue but alot better on the noise resistance. The stuff we used on the fish house trailer was closed cell and was farely easy, but that was also wide open, on my sleeper and cab I will make sure I have everything taped off or removed I dont want to get that crap on. I have been inside of a truck an older Pete just like mine that is amazingly quiet inside of it and it made me want to do it this summer. The wiring and stuff to the lights on the back of the sleeper will run through tubes on the outside that I will mount into the frame work of the sleeper, the lest of the wiring and lights in my cab is all custom and will just have to be redone afterwards, the dash will be heavily protected to not let any of that crap get in there
  6. dosgatos

    dosgatos Medium Load Member

    Sep 18, 2012
    I don't want the mess of spraying inside my truck. I've used spray foam in a garage. It was good for the application but I wouldn't want to apply in a sleeper. Not that much surface area and the clean up takes a while. I used this product in the cab, floor and doors. No clean up. No overspray. You can double it up if you want thicker. Noikil Amazon.png
    Last Call Thanks this.
  7. Cdemars316

    Cdemars316 Medium Load Member

    Nov 10, 2018
    Yeah I currently got that stuff covering every inch of both cab and sleeper, I thought it was great until I sat inside one with open cell foam done and it changed my mind, that was the quietest truck I had ever been in and it's basically the same thing as mine
    Magoo1968 and dosgatos Thank this.
  8. Vampire

    Vampire Medium Load Member

    May 14, 2011
    I was thinking the same thing. Fire resistant material is what I would be considering.
    homeskillet Thanks this.
  9. Last Call

    Last Call Road Train Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    I’ve done 4 trucks and sleepers in the past few years never would I entertain the thought of using spray on insulation that’s just a bad idea all the way around at some point it makes it harder to do and unforeseen repairs or up grades to wiring .as it dries. It expands and put pressure on panels and things not to mention the mess you have to deal with
    I use to use dynamat or killmatt
    bzinger, Tall Mike, Magoo1968 and 2 others Thank this.
  10. pavrom

    pavrom Road Train Member

    Apr 29, 2012
    NE illinois
    ordered dynamat!
    Vampire, Tall Mike and Last Call Thank this.
  11. broke down plumber

    broke down plumber Medium Load Member

    Jan 25, 2024
    Ive seen professionals do a whole house in that expanding foam , its all about the applicator or nozzle if you will.
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