So you want to hot-shot? (Will be updated/edited frequently)

Discussion in 'Expediter and Hot Shot Trucking Forum' started by HOTSHOTTER432, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. Brandonpdx

    Brandonpdx Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    Elkhart, IN
    I guess will have to because there's conflicting info. In short I'd greatly prefer to sidestep that stuff if I could. You specifically have to have the med card because you have a CDL if I'm reading it right. ELD is because your truck is 2000 MY or newer I am guessing. Mine's a 1999 (engine and chassis) so I get to sidestep that little landmine and use paper.

    IRP/ITFA I don't think any state requires that unless the truck is plated heavier than 26k but don't quote me on that. I thought that was a federal threshold sort of like the Form 2290 on registrations 55k or above. I think you CAN run an IRP registration on a power unit plated 26k or less but don't know what the advantage would be.

    So do you stay inside OH or are you legal for interstate? Maybe that has something to do with the drug testing requirements.
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  3. Lite bug

    Lite bug Road Train Member

    May 3, 2014
    Columbus Ohio
    I run anywhere. I have medical card because running commercial vehicle. 2000 F350 and more than 150 miles from my storage lot means I need the ELD. Your home state determines a lot of the guidelines you must follow.
  4. Brandonpdx

    Brandonpdx Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    Elkhart, IN
    I went back into the FMSCA website and I think I answered my own question in doing so.

    Only driver's driving a "CMV" (read their definition carefully on that...) are required to be subject to the drug and alcohol testing. A GVWR or GCWR of 26k or less is not considered a CMV and does not require a CDL to operate. They even address this very question very directly in a FAQ:

    Testing Pool Inclusions: Can an employer include non-CDL drivers, who operate CMVs with 18,000 lbs.

    So, if lite bug is driving a SRW 1-ton with a 10k GVWR and pulling a small flatbed with a pair of 8k axles, that's 26k and under and that would be the real reason why no drug testing consortium would be required for a driver with an operation like that. OTOH, a guy with a 14k GVWR 1-ton DRW and the same trailer is now actually driving a CMV by the strictest FMCSA definition, would require a CDL, and would be subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements like somebody driving a tractor-trailer.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2022
    Lite bug and 24kHotshot Thank this.
  5. Brandonpdx

    Brandonpdx Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    Elkhart, IN
    He blew that on both counts...FSMCA makes it pretty plain about logbook and med card requirements even for Non-CDL operations:

    Are CMV drivers who operate in interstate commerce required to have a medical certificate?

    Hours of Service (HOS) | FMCSA

    Basically anybody over a 10k weight rating doing for-hire interstate driving has comply with both of those and he was no exception.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2022
    Lite bug and 24kHotshot Thank this.
  6. analoglogistics

    analoglogistics Bobtail Member

    Apr 24, 2022
    Hey all, this thread is just #####in. I’m on page 38 and have taken so many screenshots. Currently a PM for a civil construction company and gonna go for broke in hotshot. F450 comes in next month :)

    mom in commiefornia and want to get my CDL. I got my permit before the law went into effect in February for the classroom requirement. Does anybody have any advice where I can go to save a few bucks to get some class 8 driving and the test done with the same truck? Can I go out of state to a third party tester and transfer the CDL to California? Cali is booked up for months and want a lot of money for the training. I’m looking for a couple days of driving then testing. Been hauling long boats and you haulers my adult life for recreation and have logged about 4 hours in a Pete 369 with my buddy but he’s only available on some weekends and who knows if I could use his truck for the test. just want to fast track it. Thanks for your help!
    flatbedcarrier Thanks this.
  7. analoglogistics

    analoglogistics Bobtail Member

    Apr 24, 2022
    Looking for the same thank you!
  8. Brandonpdx

    Brandonpdx Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    Elkhart, IN
    Uh, well. How much money do you have to lose? Serious question because even for an experienced driver, trucking is a relatively high-risk business venture requiring more startup capital than most people have laying around.

    #1 I'd get the heck out of CA. Pretty soon they will make it to where you can't even register a diesel truck for business use and in fact have already started doing that on older trucks over a certain weight class. That state will make your life hell in this business (or any business for that matter) with the high taxes, high COL, and jungle of bureaucracy and regulations. The beauty of trucking is that you aren't tied to a specific geographic region like you are with a regular can be a little pickier and choosier to your advantage. Nevada is not far away.

    #2 I'm not too sure the F-450 was wisest place to start. Those have a 14k GVWR so basically any gooseneck flatbed you hook to it is going to put you in CDL territory. The smarter thing to do would be stay away from a CDL operation starting out to see if this business is even for you. Will save you some on startup costs and headaches and you can always move up to that stuff later. SRW 1-ton is a less expensive truck to start with and easier to sell off if you decide it isn't for you and would let you fly under the radar on some of the regulatory hassles of trucking.
    Lite bug Thanks this.
  9. analoglogistics

    analoglogistics Bobtail Member

    Apr 24, 2022
    Thanks Brandon,

    I agree on California, but family is still important and they're all here. I may get a cheap property in AZ or NV.

    I have a 2001 F350 7.3 SRW all set up already, then after reading, figured I'll order the new truck. Been spending money on this venture for about a year now just outfitting the truck and collecting business items while I keep my day job. Have a buddy that works for a dispatcher to run local loads so I Got a 14gn 20+5 and just went through the truck to make sure everything is good, got my rigging, got my MC and DOT, physical, etc. All I really need to do is get insurance and go for it.

    Seems a lot of people want, need, recommend, require the DRW and when I get going I sure as hell don't want to turn any loads down. I got my CLP before the law in February and currently exploring options to get my CDL next month, want to have that too. Basically, I do not want to have to turn any loads down whether it be for equipment or credentials.
    Lite bug Thanks this.
  10. Brandonpdx

    Brandonpdx Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    Elkhart, IN
    It sounds to me like you're already down the path a little bit and I'm not saying anybody should follow my advice or do it the way I would do it. Everybody's situation is different and there is no one right or wrong way do it.

    The insurance quotes on a new DOT-MC # are going to knock your socks off so be prepared for that. You already have a truck and trailer, DOT/MC, med card, and possibly some business contacts. Good start. You may not necessarily need the commercial driver's license to get started if the GVWR's of your truck and trailer together are 26k or CDL required for that weight class or under. Anything registered 26,001 lbs and above you might as well be driving a tractor trailer because you have to jump through all the same hoops and shuffle all the same paperwork they do...CDL, drug consortium, IRP/IFTA registration. etc.
    analoglogistics Thanks this.
  11. Lite bug

    Lite bug Road Train Member

    May 3, 2014
    Columbus Ohio
    What is CLP ?
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