Someone with CR England who is a current student help!!

Discussion in 'CR England' started by truckdriverswifega, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. truckdriverswifega

    truckdriverswifega Light Load Member

    Feb 19, 2015
    Ok so my husband loaded up a bus in December and went to the school in Indiana, I believe? He has completed Phase 1, and just started Phase 2. I have some concerns because it's been almost 8 weeks. On the weekends his trainer would drop him off in Salt Lake City Utah and he would stay there while the trainer would have the weekends off and then start all over again on Sundays'. My questions is this, is it possible for men and women at the Salt Lake City place to be able to have time alone, meaning, do alot of affairs happen? Also, who pairs up the teams drivers, the school, or does the driver pick? My husband is paired with woman and him being a Christian man this still just unnerves me. Someone help me before I go crazy, even his brother said something doesn't sound right. Since he left we barely talk and then on the weekends during Phase 1 when he was off he would not call me like he should. I don't know what to do!!
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  3. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    Come right out and ask him if he's cheating on you.Yes affairs happen in this industry.My now ex boyfriend drives local but he cheated on me.He now wants me back but refuses to talk about what happened so I want nothing to do with him.I think schools pair up teams but your husband should be asking for a male to team with.
    rachi and truckdriverswifega Thank this.
  4. truckdriverswifega

    truckdriverswifega Light Load Member

    Feb 19, 2015
    I did ask him and I also know that I asked him not to let them pair him with a woman especially after he was saying that someone he met at the school had just teamed up and it was a man and woman team. So when he tells me yesterday that he had a new team mate and I said well what's his name, he got really quite then said it's a woman, I said I asked you not to do that!! He said yeah I forgot you said that, how did he forget that was 3 days ago when I said that to him. He claims she is gay, but dang I could not sleep last night after finding out about this, they sleep in the truck alot. Something just is not right I feel it deep down. Especially with the little time I get with him on the phone! I am about to run myself crazy, I don't think I can handle this. I hear that they barely get time off. I want to know who this girl is and if she is gay for real, but how do I find out without the school notifying him that I am inquiring?
  5. TruckDuo

    TruckDuo Road Train Member

    Oct 21, 2012
    Chicago, IL
    He's not cheating on you. A lot of lesbians in trucking.
  6. truckdriverswifega

    truckdriverswifega Light Load Member

    Feb 19, 2015
    Well I need my proof, I am sorry, I am not used to this, he has a lawnmower business and then suddenly took this job even after I asked him not to. I know it's probably just fear, but dang it's nerve racking, lol sorry I am from the south, excuse my country slang!
  7. mclass555

    mclass555 Light Load Member

    Jun 5, 2013
    Try not to worry. I work with a couple of female drivers and one is gay and looks like a man, and the other one is no beauty queen.
  8. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    Believe me I feel your pain.Even though im not married I went thru the same thing.Your husband should have asked for a male right off the bat.You asking crengland went as far as the call to them.Once they hung up they forgot your request.If this broad is gay tell hubby you would like to speak with her
  9. truckdriverswifega

    truckdriverswifega Light Load Member

    Feb 19, 2015
    LOL well alrighty then that made me laugh!! Thanks I needed that one!
  10. Campitor

    Campitor Light Load Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    Pittsburgh, PA
    I'm pretty sure if he went off trucking after you talked about it. And didn't have an agreement or at least a marital understand and acceptance. I'd say you got other problems.
    Milkman719 and MJ1657 Thank this.
  11. truckdriverswifega

    truckdriverswifega Light Load Member

    Feb 19, 2015
    I haven't called them yet about it, I didn't want to stir up trouble or them asking me who I was, who he was, etc. I did just text him and let a load off about how I feel, as well as tried to call him first, but got no answer to either text or call, he is 3 hours behind me so it's hard to get used to the time difference. I think I am still in shock because this isn't like him to just up and leave me and our son who is 7, my little one is going through separation anxiety, I have a older son from a previous marriage and he moved with his dad, so my son feels like his dad is gone and his brother. Just talked to him and I could hear the girl talking, she doesn't sound like a gay girl, I probably have a more manly sounding voice then hers, Lord help me! This is NOT easy!
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