Spine Injury from car crash. Would I be making a mistake getting into trucking?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by ObviousTryHard, Sep 11, 2024.

  1. Lav-25

    Lav-25 Medium Load Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    Don't do it . 30 plus years old , no pain YET.
    Give it about 20-25 years , you 'll feel the pain . In my opinion . Get a CDL if you must but it will definitely not help your back at all.
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  3. OldMainiac

    OldMainiac Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2024
    My take on it from having been there with 3 fully ruptured disk and 2 partial ruptures when I was 34 is do the surgery. The younger you are the easier it is to heal. I had mine done and was back to work as a heavy equipment mechanic and driver in six months post-op. Since then, at 62, I have been pain free with no limitations due to my back.
  4. ObviousTryHard

    ObviousTryHard Bobtail Member

    Sep 11, 2024
    Yeah, I'm moving around pretty good, and I don't feel much pain day to day, but I can definitely feel something wrong back there whenever I bend too much or move the wrong way. It feels like a shock in the spine. I see so many truck drivers at my job daily who look like they can barely walk. If they can do it, why not me? Also, what kind of surgery did you get? The doctor is recommending a laminectomy and discectomy on my bottom 2 discs.
    OldMainiac Thanks this.
  5. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    Trucking will....over time....give you a chronically chapped butt...:p :D o_O

    -- L
    ObviousTryHard and FLHT Thank this.
  6. OldMainiac

    OldMainiac Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2024
    I was a subject for a artificial disc replacement using lab cultured cartilage disc. They replaced the 3 ruptured and used sutures on the others.
  7. ObviousTryHard

    ObviousTryHard Bobtail Member

    Sep 11, 2024
    Wow, you got 3 disc replacements? Most American insurances will only cover one. That's crazy. One doctor I saw wanted to fuse me, but I said hell nah. Maybe when I'm fifty.
  8. OldMainiac

    OldMainiac Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2024
    Workers Compensation, they had no choice. And I'm with you, there is no way I was getting a fusion. Two friends had them done and they are pretty much crippled now.
  9. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    First, what’s the long term prognosis on your injury. Back to normal in time or a lifetime disability?

    Reason I ask is because if it’s something you’re going to be dealing with the rest of your life I’d stay right where you are and look into getting full disability benefits. You may not need narcotics now but 10 years from now you might be suffering. Something you need to talk about with your physician.

    Back to your question..You would be best looking into doing dry van. The most work I do is open the trailer doors once or twice a week. I don’t stand in lines like you would doing reefer.

    You could even get yourself a handicap placard and park upfront at truck stops which would cut down on some walking.
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