Ive never used the split shift rule but I need to tomorrow. In my situation, I want to use the split shift rule to extend my 14-hour work day. But I only want to extend my day using the 7 hour sleeper berth portion of the 7/3 rule. This is what I mean:
1200am - 300am driving (3 hours total)
300am - 1000am sleeper berth (7 hours total)
My question is:
At 1000am, when I emerge from the sleeper berth, how many hours are left in my work day that began at 1200am? I want it to be 14 hours left to complete my remaining 8 hours of driving. Is this right?
Split Shift Question
Discussion in 'Trucking Industry Regulations' started by MercySakesAlive, Nov 15, 2024.
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Guessing you start with fresh hours.
At 10 you can drive 8 hours. Then sleeper for 3hours. Drive for another 3 and sleeper for 7 hours.
The 2 drive periods can equal 11 hours and your 2 sleeper periods can equal 10 hours.
You can alternate this pattern until you max your 70 hour rule.
You won't violate the 14 hour rule. The 14 resets every time you hit the 10 hour sleep period.
The shorter sleeper period can also be recorded as off duty.
Using the ELD, I don't remember all the rules sometimes. Your ELD should keep you legal.
Good luck. -
Hell I thought this was going to be about a 5 x 4. Dangit.
Sirscrapntruckalot, D.Tibbitt, motocross25 and 2 others Thank this. -
If so the 14 hour clock would have PAUSED at 11 hours of work shift available and you should have 8 hours of drive and on-duty time available.
Don't forget to factor in the half hour lunch break in your trip planning.Iamoverit and RockinChair Thank this. -
Jeez, and here I was going to explain split shifting,,
You won't have a full 14. You'll need an entire 10/36 to get that back.
Thank you for your help here... I understand how it works now! I appreciate it!
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