SRT: My Road So Far.

Discussion in 'SRT' started by Voodoo Pyg, Sep 1, 2017.

  1. Voodoo Pyg

    Voodoo Pyg Oink! Oink!

    Jan 25, 2015
    Guess I can let the cat out of the bag now. I recently left the oilfield after too many broken promises, backstabbing, and ending up homeless. So here's a recap of what happened so far. NOTE: While there are more details, I'm keeping it short but I am willing to answer questions should anyone have any.

    A couple of days prior to this I submitted an application to Truck Driver Jobs in America. I did this to test their theory on getting you a job with carriers around the country (NOTE: Not all of them are reputable). I received a call from a very nice lady for the SRT recruiting department. She proceeded to give me the rundown of the company at that point. The list is as follows: Drivers will stay at the Baymont Inn where breakfast is provided free of charge. At the yard you are fed lunch and dinner on the yard from restaurants in the area. If you have X class endorsements, you receive a few cents extra. After talking to me for a few more minutes which included running my DAC and MVR, she offered me an orientation day which included a bus ticket. I settled Wednesday 08/30/2017.

    I arrived to Texarkana late as Hurricane Harvey messed up a lot of the roads and bus schedules. I arrived well past noon and was picked up by their shuttle; but I was treated nicely nonetheless. I was given my lunch as soon as I reported to the classroom and was given a manila folder of paperwork to fill out for safety department. I was also sent to the nearest clinic for a urinalysis. Once I reported back we watched videos on things such as CSA and the Smith System and took tests for each one. Basically regurgitation for me from my time at Stevens. After 5:00 pm, I checked into my room and went to bed.

    We reported to class at 7:00 am. Here we had more discussions and learned the SRT way of using their Qualcomm systems. More videos and sadly some of the accident photos followed by the final tests and I of course had to do a backing and driving test which I passed with ease. At the end of the day, they were looking for some to team up in order to help out the Hurricane Harvey efforts. I had to sign up.

    The final day where I checked out of my room for the last time and took all of my odds and ends to the classroom. Today was the final make or break day. Fuel, safety, and our FMs came into the classroom. I missed fuel as I had to go for another physical. From here Safety comes in and verifies your final paperwork and you are issued your comdata card and I received a sign on bonus later this day. I also received a bag and a shirt bearing the company logo. I was also assigned my truck which I'll double back to Dallas and get once I'm done with these FEMA loads. Then I'm solo from here.

    Any questions feel free to ask. I'll also update as much as I can as time goes.

    <3 Voodoo Pug.
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  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
  4. Drpparker95

    Drpparker95 Road Train Member

    Jan 2, 2017
    Meridian mississippi
  5. Voodoo Pyg

    Voodoo Pyg Oink! Oink!

    Jan 25, 2015
    A little fact. SRT is a forced dispatch Company. You have to take the load but if you don't have the hours, you get it as far as you can as they WILL repower the load to someone who can get it there. Quoted from instructors.
    Rollr4872 and born&raisedintheusa Thank this.
  6. carramrod32

    carramrod32 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 7, 2008
    I thought you were driving a reddi mix cement truck, was that in the oilfield I'm assuming? Anyways wishing you the best. I enjoyed reading about your Stevens experience except when they let u go. No worries, no judgement from me. I've been let go from 2 jobs in my lifetime. Well one was through a temp service, don't really count that one, lol.
  7. Voodoo Pyg

    Voodoo Pyg Oink! Oink!

    Jan 25, 2015
    LOL! Do you want the long or short version? LOL! Never knew you read all of those.
  8. ClassB

    ClassB Light Load Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    Syracuse, New York
    Im not a truck driver, so this is why I asked. From an outsiders perspective that sounds like a bad thing. Is that something youre okay with? Or is it a good thing to get as many miles you can? Im just curious. Thanks
  9. carramrod32

    carramrod32 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 7, 2008
    Short version is alright, I think you have a future in writing books or short stories of some sort. Very informative and articulate writing that you have.
    born&raisedintheusa Thanks this.
  10. born&raisedintheusa

    born&raisedintheusa Road Train Member

    Sep 20, 2012
    Wichita KS
    Does SRT have direct deposit? Is their pay period weekly or bi-weekly?

    Does SRT have "per diem"? If so, how many cents per mile? Is their "per diem" mandatory?

    Good luck to you! God bless you and your family!

    God bless every American and their families! God bless the U.S.A.!
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2017
  11. born&raisedintheusa

    born&raisedintheusa Road Train Member

    Sep 20, 2012
    Wichita KS
    How many speeds are the manual transmissions at SRT: 9, 10, or 13?

    God bless every American and their families! God bless the U.S.A.!
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2017
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