Thank you for some pointers. I will keep that in mind. I tried to work with the trainer but he is one of those "i don't give a ####" type of personality where if you ask him to meet in the middle he will most likely say "F off" and do it his way. So I'm out in the streets stalling at traffic lights and he is getting mad at me like I'm suppose to do it right. When I ask him what is it that I'm doing wrong he would say "wtf you should know what you're doing" and "are you ##### listening to me?" in a very thick accent.
Stalling at every traffic light at 4th gear
Discussion in 'Trucking Schools and CDL Training Forum' started by k008, Sep 22, 2019.
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I had much rather work with a blank canvas. You don't have any bad habits to break already so to speak. The instructor is an idiot... ..go above his head get him run off he is not doing his job
Cattleman84, magoo68, BoxCarKidd and 2 others Thank this. -
Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
Cattleman84 and wore out Thank this. -
When you are in 4th gear and just before it is going to rock the tractor back and forth, rev up the engine slightly then, together, let go the clutch and depress on the fuel pedal. I know the convention wisdom is to let go the clutch first but that only works on low gears. On 4th gear you always depress the fuel pedal a little and then let go the clutch. Let go the clutch slowly when it get to the top. It’s all about the clutch control.
Hey man, if I finished Swift driving school and get my CDL with the same exact instructions and crappy instructor like you have, I am sure you can do it too. -
Tolmie Thanks this.
Not the other way around, aka, let go clutch and then depress the fuel pedal. That’s definitely going to rock the truck. -
No offence, but that is not good advice. You should never ever have a foot on the throttle and on the clutch at the same time. One or the other. The engine makes so much torque down low that in the right conditions can easily twist apart input shafts and drivelines. Best case scenario you just wear the clutch out twice as fast.
baha, Cattleman84, magoo68 and 2 others Thank this. -
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