Stalling at every traffic light at 4th gear

Discussion in 'Trucking Schools and CDL Training Forum' started by k008, Sep 22, 2019.

  1. wore out

    wore out Numbered Classic

    Jun 5, 2013
    You have no idea what lugging the engine means do you?
    Then they need more training till they can control the truck plain and simple

    Your the one that got huffy and butt hurt over a little questioning, this can be argued all day I just have better things to do
    x1Heavy Thanks this.
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  3. k008

    k008 Bobtail Member

    Jun 1, 2019
    It seems my trucking school is doing exactly what you experience in mega carrier training. Beyond what I can comprehend they insist I start in 4th gear. Never have I once used any of the first three gears. Again I'm totally new to trucking and stick shifts so I came in as a sponge and tried to absorb as much knowledge as I can, but the trainer isn't helping me by not giving me proper explanation. Instead he yells and kicks the trucks and cause a scene while I'm stalling at traffic lights while cars are honking from behind. None of that is productive imho.
    x1Heavy, Tolmie and wore out Thank this.
  4. k008

    k008 Bobtail Member

    Jun 1, 2019
    All my trainer say is "give it some F ing gas!" He doesnt say when, i would have to figure that out on my own. So as of right now im not sure if i give it gas after i release the clutch, during, or before...
    wore out Thanks this.
  5. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    Proper method when you get to actual driving is no throttle when releasing the clutch. Once the foot is off the clutch pedal you're good to add fuel. Biggest thing is picking the proper gear to start, which I said earlier allows you to take off smoothly without lugging the engine.
  6. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Agreed, OP start in 2nd
  7. k008

    k008 Bobtail Member

    Jun 1, 2019
    Fixed the issue today after i requested a different trainer this morning. I still start at 4th gear but its because I had my clutch to the floor when shifting to 4th gear that I leave it to the floor when the traffic light turns green and it because i don't give it time to engage that i keep stalling. So now I just release the clutch halfway until I feel the truck engaging while I let off the brake slowly. Haven't stall since. It was such a simple fix not sure why the other trainer wouldn't spend the extra effort to explain to me instead of watching me make the same mistake over and over while yelling at me nonstop.
    AModelCat, Tolmie and tinytim Thank this.
  8. magoo68

    magoo68 Road Train Member

    Jun 11, 2011
    st malo mb canada
    Dang that’s a lot of clutches in his career ..
    AModelCat Thanks this.
  9. magoo68

    magoo68 Road Train Member

    Jun 11, 2011
    st malo mb canada
    Then they need some training .. shortcuts to put a body behind the wheel don’t cut it as evidence by the crazy crashes lately
    Tolmie Thanks this.
  10. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    That is if she is not bucking already trying to stall first.

    Always do have clutch out before adding the horsies and don't spare em either. Move it out.

    Maybe we break out the old iron. Make him stand on the fuel all day until footsore.
  11. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    Your clutch on the floor is engaging the clutch brake. No no no. Never. You burn through that so fast...

    Get that clutch just enough to break power, stop with the truck in A GEAR with clutch in just far enough to break power. When stopped go ahead and shift into a gear you want, if you get that ztztzzt from the trans then add clutch to floor and engage the transmisson brake to stop the transmission from spinning and then select the gear you want.

    It gets busy before that light turns green. But as soon you are in that gear ready to move out pull that clutch off the floor to about halfway, it should sit there flutting at you waiting to GO. When you go, add fuel and pull clutch out in one smooth movement. She will lean when its all the way out. Add all the horsies and get ready to shift.

    When you shift you throw in just enough clutch to break power. No more than that.
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