Starting DeBoer Jan. 10th(Feedback Please)

Discussion in 'DeBoer' started by Mr2nite, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. Smokeeater

    Smokeeater Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2007
    Do their rigs have APUs Me2nite?
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  3. Mr2nite

    Mr2nite Bobtail Member

    Jan 6, 2011
    No not all of them, but some are equipped with APU's. Others have bunk heaters. My trainer truck has an APU.
  4. Mr2nite

    Mr2nite Bobtail Member

    Jan 6, 2011
    Well im here in Calixico, CA doing my reset. I'll be leaving cali with a load to New York. It looks like they are sending me coast to coast during my training. I guess its a good thing because it makes my 4 weeks training go by really fast. I am doing really well with the truck and manuvers and backing. Well i'll keep everyone updated, BE SAFE everyone. Mr.2nite
    123456 and RetiredCPO Thank this.
  5. Mr2nite

    Mr2nite Bobtail Member

    Jan 6, 2011
    Well I left California and headed to New York. Everything went fine. My trainer is not as good as i thoought he would be. He didnt allow me to back as much as I thought I should. He was quick to tell me he has ADHD and has to take Ritland for it. I was a little worried about that. I begin to ask him questions about me practicing backing and he blew it off. I really dont think he had the patience to help me. My problem with that is, he never attemped to allow me to show him I could back pretty well. He was not comfotable with me I believe. I drove 10 1/2 hours everyday since we left the terminal. I had an average of 620 miles everyday. 677 was my highest. On the trip from New York to Minnesota he called the company and told them I had sleep problems and between 8 am and 12 pm i was sleepy. Where did he get that from?? I sure in the hell dont know. I heard that and I said wow, this guy is crazy how can he tell them something like that and I never complained of being tired or never was tired during that time. I could not believe he said that. So I ask him, "hey if you THOUGHT i was tired during those hours man, why did you let me continue driving 10-11 hours a day non-stop 600+ miles". He was speechless. Good thing our truck was on E-Logs so our company was able to see that I was doing all that driving. The company told me because he told them that I would have to come home and have a sleep apnea test done at my own expense. I was soooo upset. I felt so discouraged and irritated with them. I guess it was a good thing that I was able to get off his truck but I was upset because it put a hold on my training. So I had to go see my primary doctor and he cleared me back to continue my training, stating I have no problems with sleep apnea. I really hope I get a better trainer this time. I was just so shocked because I thought everything was going well and that guy just came up with something like that from no where. I hope he will not be a trainer for long. I feel like he used me for all the miles and was not really interested in training me. I will hopefully be leaving with my new trainer tomorrow or Tuesday. I pray everything will be ok. I will update soon. Be Safe everyone!
  6. Echo2020

    Echo2020 Bobtail Member

    Jan 28, 2011
    hardy, arkansas
    deboar I have not heard of them.
  7. Smokeeater

    Smokeeater Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2007
    Sounds like a new trainer is just what you need. It sure does look like he was using you all right. Hang in there !
    Mr2nite Thanks this.
  8. whydontchahey

    whydontchahey Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2007
    Ya...thats gonna happen. Too bad it was ur first trainer. Good Luck with the next one! Be patient...u will be cruising in ur own truck soon!
    Mr2nite Thanks this.
  9. Smokeeater

    Smokeeater Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2007
    Nothing but the sounds of crickets chirping on this thread..Me2nite you still with DeBoer?
  10. Mr2nite

    Mr2nite Bobtail Member

    Jan 6, 2011
    Yes Im still with the company. Everything is going well, I upgraded to my own truck and ive been haulin down the road ever since. They are running me pretty good for a newbie. I average about 3000 miles a week. My truck runs pretty well, and im getting used to running the roads alone. Now its time to get some :biggrin_25518: ive been driving all day.

    *Reporting Live from my truck in Crystal, MN*
    Sexybuilt Thanks this.
  11. Texzonie

    Texzonie Light Load Member

    Jan 9, 2011
    Mr2nite, you still around and with DeBoer? Thinking about going with them when I graduate. Want to do regional Texas
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