Starting in Garbage Tomorrow! Your Advice?

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by ddeldgeetar, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. ddeldgeetar

    ddeldgeetar Bobtail Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    Keep dreaming! I got through the 2nd interview at a Waste Management in IA and they were starting at $17.
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  3. Shaggy

    Shaggy Road Train Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    When did Driver positions at WM start paying hourly?

    WM has in my opinion, The best laid out landfills compared to everyone else. Landfills suck in the damp weather ( expect to get stuck ), However my interactions with the landfill crews was always positive. Congratulations.

    WM is funky, Union or no Union
  4. ddeldgeetar

    ddeldgeetar Bobtail Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    They all do that I understand. At least in the time I've been looking into them. I don't understand why any garbage driver would work for anything but hourly. Most drivers I know put in 60 hours in that job. Rate pay would never cut it.
    27butterfly and Shaggy Thank this.
  5. Shaggy

    Shaggy Road Train Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    In my AO, Rear loader It's paid per house or a Salary of $120-$160 per day forget the exact day wage, Roll off dumpster is paid per load, Front loader it's paid per stop.
    Get X amount of $ for showing up and then do your planned routes.

    Every region is different I suppose, Good for you. Congratulations.
  6. FreightlinerGuy

    FreightlinerGuy Medium Load Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Great Lakes, USA
    I used to be a rearload driver. Talk about hard work... One person on a truck and have 250-300 stops each day... I hope never again! In and out... In and out of the truck...
    Shaggy Thanks this.
  7. GmanInCali

    GmanInCali Bobtail Member

    Sep 8, 2013
    Congrats on the new garbage job. Rear loader, keep your hands away from the edge of the hopper when the blade is coming down. Also watch out for cars coming up on you, especially in the spring and fall when people get blinded by Sun glare on their windshield. Every year a few guys get hit and sometimes killed or lose a limb because of Sun glare. Always be visible when the truck is backing up, don't get behind it, stay in the mirrors. A lot of newbies get backed over running behind the truck when they trip and fall and the driver is clueless. As a driver you should always know where your partner is, but believe me, happens!

    Have fun out there, be Safe!
    kee1227 Thanks this.
  8. ddeldgeetar

    ddeldgeetar Bobtail Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    Thanks for all the advice. I learned a lot in my training week. This coming week I will be out on my own. The trucks I will be using are pretty nice. Cart tippers, backup camera etc. I love it so far.
    Shaggy Thanks this.
  9. petermiller21b

    petermiller21b Bobtail Member

    Oct 26, 2015
    Congratulations with your new job! Do well.
    G13Tomcat Thanks this.
  10. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    I had a 15 minute phone interview with a WM recruiter last week.guess they didn't think I'd be a good candidate ,they never set me up with an interview with the employer.anymore most employers require some sort of heavy lifting and I dont have the strength.
  11. 6wheeler

    6wheeler Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2009
    Good boots. Clean the hopper, dangerous, start at 3 a.m. , rain snow make a hard day, holidays add extra work. Run, run, run. Both truck and on foot.
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