Starting new journey at Denney Transport (regular updates)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by XenonOxide, Jan 3, 2024.

  1. XenonOxide

    XenonOxide Light Load Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    Orientation starts tomorrow. Gonna keep people posted about what the experience is like!
    Autumn & I and silverspur Thank this.
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  3. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    DO NOT fall asleep in class......
    Henley and Speed_Drums Thank this.
  4. XenonOxide

    XenonOxide Light Load Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    Well, I'm done with orientation! Got me a load immediately home from Denver to Riverside so I can take the rest of my personal belongings.

    Will give more details once I got my bearings but rn there's a lot more positives than negatives for sure
    Henley, motocross25 and Speed_Drums Thank this.
  5. XenonOxide

    XenonOxide Light Load Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    So far so good. Orientation was 2 days, pretty standard stuff, lots of videos, people from various departments explaining how things are done here. Safety dept. talked a tough game about how strict they are and how much they expect us to be on the ball but so far I haven't gotten a single phone call from there so hopefully that means I'm driving well. (No driver facing cameras, only outward facing).

    My dispatch told me she'd start me off on a few "easy" loads between Denver and Riverside just so I get a chance to familiarize with how things are done here, before giving me the multi-stop loads which I've never done before. So that's all I've been doing so far.

    Equipment here is much better maintained than at Swift, and I don't have to hunt for empty trailers and hope all of the 20 available ones at the terminal isn't busted. It's a big quality of life improvement not to have to spend hours just to hunt for an empty.

    However it's Denver based and they expect you to chain up if that's needed to be on-time. I've already done it twice but that's kinda expected signing up for this company.

    Also the software they use for sending the macros and inspections is a lot more tedious to handle than Swift because you have to fill out many more things manually. A small negative. I don't like the interface of this tablet (PeopleNet) as much as Zonar.

    Haven't had to wait for loads as much as Swift, but I've also yet to hit a 3000-mile week, so it could be better, but hoping that once I'm dispatched on the other routes that I'll start racking up more miles.

    All in all it's a step up and I'm fairly happy about the process.
    TB John, Lonesome, REO6205 and 3 others Thank this.
  6. XenonOxide

    XenonOxide Light Load Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    One month in and I definitely am glad I moved from Swift! Everything is better, the only small dissatisfaction is a lot of the routes are a little bit same-y, but I've never been dispatched on anything shorter than 1000 miles, and many drop-and-hooks (even with reefer), so no big complaints there honestly.
  7. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
  8. TurkeyCreekJackJohnson

    TurkeyCreekJackJohnson Light Load Member

    Feb 7, 2024
    South Western US
  9. TurkeyCreekJackJohnson

    TurkeyCreekJackJohnson Light Load Member

    Feb 7, 2024
    South Western US
    Please let us know when or if you have started getting consistent 3k miles a week.

    Lonesome Thanks this.
  10. XenonOxide

    XenonOxide Light Load Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    Yes, I had a 3500 mile week this week. They're been having me do Denver to California back and forth and most of the time if my ETA is earlier than the delivery appointment, they'll just have me relay the trailer at the terminal (they have one each in CA and in Denver) and dispatch me on a new load.
  11. XenonOxide

    XenonOxide Light Load Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    To be honest I'm probably gonna ask my dispatcher to slow down lol... It's a good problem to have but I'm not used to the workload yet
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