Starting out for rookies

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by MACK E-6, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    A question that is often asked is how does a rookie get his first job with no experience. Well, I have a few suggestions.

    One option is to talk to construction and/or aggregate companies that use dump trailers. This would pay either hourly or percentage.

    You could also seek out a local flatbed outfit that hauls building materials. This doesn't pay well as building materials is not the best paying freight, but they would also hire rookies.

    If neither of those is possible, you could also talk to rigging and crane companies. You would be hauling parts for the cranes to be set up at the job sites, and sometimes even the objects to be lifted by the cranes.

    This pays a good hourly wage, but your responsibilities would include things other than driving. If that's not a problem, than this option may be an interesting one.
    jtswife826, nckid, Ms.Jesse and 16 others Thank this.
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  3. Fire Deity

    Fire Deity Bobtail Member

    Jul 21, 2007
    That is really helpful advice, when i start out (few years away, you need to be 21 over here) i will not care much about pay as a little experience will get you a long way :biggrin_2556:
    Markk477, LEROYDOZOIS and poohbear3636 Thank this.
  4. rleo4life7

    rleo4life7 Bobtail Member

    Jul 25, 2007
    Orland Park, IL
    hey all ,
    I am looking for a car hauling company that will train you for youre cdl and give you a job is there any out there and if not what trucking company is a good one to start at befor i could try to become a car hauler.
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  5. red dog

    red dog Bobtail Member

    Oct 11, 2007
    tucson az
    I have that problem ,out of school one year no one will hire student. they keep telling me go otr,every trucking company I See I call driving good .Back ground good ,as soon I tell no exp i here try otr what to do?can any help me out leave me a message
    seanp35 and LEROYDOZOIS Thank this.
  6. NJrookie07

    NJrookie07 Bobtail Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    Ventnor City, NJ
    From what I understand OTR is the BEST way to gain exp. Even the school I'm in has told me that. Even with only 3 mos OTR exp other companies are more willing to hire you
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  7. Big Don

    Big Don "Old Fart"

    Sep 8, 2007
    Utah's DIXIE!
    Well it probably would be a lot eaiser to get an OTR job with a trainer. Better for you too, in the long run. Now I'm betting that you don't want to be away from home right now, and I can understand that. But sometimes you have to do things in the short term, to make things more possible in the long term. It will give you experience that you might not get otherwise.

    As Mack suggested, you might try construction or dirt hauling. But without any experience, and being a year out of school, they may be hard to get into.
    I wonder why you are a year out of school and haven't gotten a job yet?
  8. NJrookie07

    NJrookie07 Bobtail Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    Ventnor City, NJ
    It may be hard to find a local company to work for but yes otr might get you atleast 3-6 months exp so it might be better to go over the road for that time frame then you can go anywhere i think
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  9. red dog

    red dog Bobtail Member

    Oct 11, 2007
    tucson az
    I've been working concrete for now,Iam not expecting to get rich trucking.this is what I want i read all the bad and good I know what to expect .so it looks like otr it will be thanks for all the feed back even the bad
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  10. TBigLug

    TBigLug Light Load Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Jackson, MI
    One avenue that is a possibility too, depending on your area, is to work for local farms for a while. I trucked for 2 years, before I went and got my CDL, with my F endorsement mainly for the practive maneuvering and getting comfortable with the truck. Pays decent, hours are usually long, especially during harvest, but worth looking into if you're in the right area.
    Chicagodriver, LEROYDOZOIS and seanp35 Thank this.
  11. BigDaddyJollyRob

    BigDaddyJollyRob <strong>"El Oso"</strong>

    Nov 10, 2007
    Mack E Thanks for all of your wisdom. I cant wait to start school on the 17th if enough people sign up.
    ave, allondrasdaddy and LEROYDOZOIS Thank this.
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