Starting out for rookies

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by MACK E-6, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. Harley1647

    Harley1647 Bobtail Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Kyle, Tx
    Well, this is what I'm thinking and perhaps someone can tell me if I am barking up the right tree or not!

    I'm not a driver as it stands now, however the plan is to start school at the local community college just after X-mas. In Texas college tuition for vets is taken care of and I did 8 years in the Army. I have checked and the CDL course will be covered. If I go to a private I'm in hock for $4K or so so the "Hazelwood Act for veterans saves me money off the bat.

    I'm in a postition where I don't particularly care to go OTR if I don't need to, and I don't mind the thought of local runs at all anyway. While I don't mind the OTR, home nights/weekends sounds pretty good actually!

    So is there a reason I can't find a local job hauling aggregate off the bat or something? I have a couple of bucks saved and the house and car are paid for so I've even considered down the road looking at becoming an owner/operator.

    Am I on the right track or do I need to rethink this?
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
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  3. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    I would forget owning your own truck for a while.

    As for the local aggregate job, there's no reason why you couldn't get one, if you went to a company in need of a driver. Although it would be their insurance carrier that would be making the decision whether to hire you or not.
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  4. BigDaddyJollyRob

    BigDaddyJollyRob <strong>"El Oso"</strong>

    Nov 10, 2007
    Harley1647, Best of Luck in your search. you live in TX im sure you will find plenty of work, Dont forget the farms,aggregate, as well as construction co's.
    Nydiation and LEROYDOZOIS Thank this.
  5. Blizzy

    Blizzy Bobtail Member

    Dec 18, 2007
    Fall Creek Wi
    Currently I can go to trucking school through a local tech college, CR England (but I've only read one good post about them -- everything else says to RUN), RoadMaster, and Roehl Traning Program. Any advice?
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  6. Calitrucker712

    Calitrucker712 Light Load Member

    Jan 14, 2008
    Arcata CA
    Well here's a few thoughts for the posters.

    1. I started hauling wood chips right out of school and I was only 20 so local aggragate should work out if you know where to look.

    2. Drive for at least a year before you think about getting your own truck, no matter how much you have in the bank.

    3. I would go with schneider or prime if you want company sponcered training, just based off of their websites and what ive read on here and other trucking blogs.

    4. stay smart and stay safe
  7. gonefishin

    gonefishin Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2008
    blue island
    know any companies in the chicago area, have my permit with doubles/triples and haz. everyone wants experience?:biggrin_2552:
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  8. BigDaddyJollyRob

    BigDaddyJollyRob <strong>"El Oso"</strong>

    Nov 10, 2007
    check out rhoel,Anderson Trucking Service. Rhoel in wisconson and Anderson is in Minnesota.
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  9. rocketdoc75

    rocketdoc75 Bobtail Member

    Feb 1, 2008
    Racine, Wi
    I would have to agree. To find a company local or regional or national that will hire someone w/ little to no experience is next to impossible. From what I'v ehave seen and experienced would the option of going OTR for approximately 1yr., then start looking for a local or regional job unless you want to get into construction. even then most comapnies due to their own regulations and insurance policies won't hire someone unles they have 1yr if not more of quality, safe accident free driving. the longer you go w/o accidents and or tickets the more attractive your resume looks and the possiblility or your being hired by company "A" increases.:violent2:
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  10. Harley1647

    Harley1647 Bobtail Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Kyle, Tx
    The last time I posted I was preparing to go to school. Now I'm finished with the school and a CDL is in my pocket (along with my DOT med card)' I have endorsements for doubles/triples and tankers. Planning on going back for the haz-mat.

    I answered an ad for a cdl driver that stated the route varied between Austin, Houston and San Antonio. Home nights etc. They called me back and they want me to go interview tomorrow. It turns out this is a car hauler picking up repossessed car and taking them to auctions. Two year old tractors, but I know nothing about a car hauler. This isn't a big truck operation as they just have a couple of tractors and obviously I have a lot of questions still to ask, but any thoughts here on what little we know about this?
    LEROYDOZOIS and Race Grandpa Thank this.
  11. BigDaddyJollyRob

    BigDaddyJollyRob <strong>"El Oso"</strong>

    Nov 10, 2007
    Auto hauling pays well.If the moneys good take it.Its hard for newbies to get work and if thats local for you,you hit the jackpot.In the future if you want to go otr you will have experience and make even more money. Best of Luck.I take my road test this morning.
    Nydiation and LEROYDOZOIS Thank this.
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