Starting out for rookies

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by MACK E-6, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. reddemon71

    reddemon71 Light Load Member

    Feb 5, 2008

    why would you want to be a car-hauler? That job sucks ###
    LEROYDOZOIS and yankee redneck Thank this.
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  3. reddemon71

    reddemon71 Light Load Member

    Feb 5, 2008
    Don't become a trucker, You will realize what a bad investment it was after you spend a week out here on the road.
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  4. BigDaddyJollyRob

    BigDaddyJollyRob <strong>"El Oso"</strong>

    Nov 10, 2007
    Auto hauling pays better than general freight I'm told. ask MACK E6
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  5. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Every car hauler I've talked to has had no complaints.
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  6. smitty66

    smitty66 Light Load Member

    Mar 23, 2008
    forest hills,new york
    ive had the issue. i was told buy a large local t/t company(costco) its the companies insurance they wont insure enexperinced drivers. or someone just comming out of a truck driving school YOU NEED EXPERINCE thats why im signing on with a company for a year (otr)to get the experince i dont want to but i do what i have to do to get me were i want to be.:biggrin_255:
    GrindemGears and LEROYDOZOIS Thank this.
  7. desert_son

    desert_son Light Load Member

    Mar 27, 2008
    Liberty Hill, Tx
    I use to train otr, I would tell my "students" just hang out for 3-6 months then they could get something local either with the company we were with or other local company's hauling dirt ext.
    Spaces1965, LEROYDOZOIS and Nydiation Thank this.
  8. DFDureiko

    DFDureiko Light Load Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    Franklin, CT
    I've been a flight attendant for ATA Airlines, for 19.5 years, as you may have seen on the news, we went under, with no notice on the 3rd.
    I've always been a good driver, a nut with maintenance, tire pressures etc on my vehicles.....
    Now I know it can't possibly compare with a big rig, but I have towed a trailer since I was 16, then, a 31ft Airstream and now a 35ft...with GMC3500. (obviously, this is for pleasure)
    ie I have more experience towing and backing than someone that never has. Don't know what that's worth.
    I also am used to a strange schedule and can't imagine doing 9-5.
    I'd do an 8 day then 7 or 10 day trip then 12 days off, you could spit days, but overall I'd choose to be out 18 and home 12 in a month. Is this possible in OTR trucking? I also don't have a huge need for alot of money but am looking for health insurance and quality of life vs. money.
    Is it possible to drive OTR p/t?
    I'm used to 12-24hr days......we could be scheduled for 18, but then stuff happens and you gotta deal with it.
    I've also hauled all kinds of loads; Troops, Deportees, Iraqi translators, white house press corps, the NY Yankees, federal prisoners,,,,,and people just goin to FL.:)
    but I guess trucking would be a somewhat solitary job and that's ok....
    One thing too, I love driving.....but as a private pilot once told me, he'd never be an Airline pilot as that would ruin flying for him........
    maybe the same could happen with driving for a living...
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  9. DFDureiko

    DFDureiko Light Load Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    Franklin, CT
    so your saying that newbies will be hired by OTR? which is what I'd want anyway?
    what about owner/operator.....or would buying your own truck, as a newbie, but prohibitive insurance wise??? I was thinking to have more control over my life I could buy a truck and start that way. I'm very very fortunate to perhaps buy a truck for cash? or 50percent down (like an International 9200i/sleeper.
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  10. BigDaddyJollyRob

    BigDaddyJollyRob <strong>"El Oso"</strong>

    Nov 10, 2007
    Get some experience first before you buy a truck. You need to know the business.( we crawl before we walk) I you have connections to haul dirt,gravel or mulch then you might consider it but other than that NO WAY.
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
  11. Harley1647

    Harley1647 Bobtail Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Kyle, Tx
    I finished driving school, got my CDL and started looking for a job. Everywhere I went the local companies expected me to "float" the gears...of course I couldn't do that since they didn't teach that in school.

    Finally a local company wants to hire me if I can learn to float gears. I can't go anywhere and practice (the school tells me they are prohibited from it even though they sent me to the companies that expect me to do it!) Anyway, this company has shown me the paperwork, everything I need to know except those gears....

    The new and improved plan is to work OTR (actually regional I'm told) working for Arrow (flatbeds). I'll do this a few months and teach myself "floating"-I can shift fine with the clutch-then go back to athe local company.

    Does anyone know anything about Arrow?
    LEROYDOZOIS Thanks this.
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