Starting out for rookies

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by MACK E-6, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. jash369

    jash369 Medium Load Member

    Dec 4, 2007

    Saw the PB wanted to introduce myself and agree with your statement above.

    I started about 7-8 months ago don't remember anymore but anyway I spoke to some recruiter from some place I talked to blah blah:biggrin_2551:
    told me schooling books dorms etc. the contract was for $8,000.00

    By the time I finished with that recruiter he actually hung up on me:biggrin_2559:

    I live in GA. the tech college here costs $2,000.00 as well and even most people even qualify for the grant and don't even have to pay. Downside course is 15 weeks. I wish I had the time when I decided to get started.

    Even the local tk school cash c/c price is $2,400.00 3wks


    I ran the numbers that a recruiter gave me starting out with some company and the difference for the contract pay difference was ridiculously benefitting the company.

    Well anyway do you have anytime to go ballin' ............My hometime I am usually too tired to go out. I am going to fix that very soon.
    I have a new A-5 I have not used yet in a game added upgrades looks mean and tests good........
    Just wanted to add mine........................J:biggrin_25523:
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  3. jash369

    jash369 Medium Load Member

    Dec 4, 2007
    Lurch, If I may also add........
    The thing about driving is finding what works and fits for you........
    Unfortunately it is a trial and error thing for everyone.
    What works for one person I can find 2 others that will complain everything from OTR to Local to mileage pay to percentage to pete's to K/W's....................I hope I don't open this can of worms too bad :biggrin_2559:

    Your biggest challenge right now is experience, the industry looks at that first, driving record second, background third and so on. What is probably the most important in the immediate is if a local co. will take you with no experince and you can manage with the pay, GET your experience and keep a clean driving record so you can move onto better pay and conditions etc.

    Also take the time to meet other drivers on the road/tkstp etc. to learn from them hte aspects of the industry. You might find some other aspect that interest you and so on.

    Good luck..................................J:biggrin_2558:
    JerrytheTexan and Nydiation Thank this.
  4. Angrypntballr

    Angrypntballr Bobtail Member

    Apr 17, 2008
    You said you live in Ga, Where bouts I used to live there I lived in Clermont Ga About an hour north of Atlanta. Used to play all the time out there We play in Oakwood And Winder At Dynamic Games I miss it Horribly even played on a team Called Team Grumpy we were beginers but we ended up 3rd in the season. I miss it Bad!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin_2553: My weapon of choice is a Black Magic by Autococker Its nice but lack of upgrades sucks. Still ###### though Sounds like a rattlesnake definitely will get your attention. I haven't played since I've been in TX No Fields or players or woods Guess I could hide behind a cow but they would just shoot my feet:biggrin_25521:P.S. Tippmans are ###### you can't kill 'em very dependable Its good to talk to a ballr
  5. Lurchgs

    Lurchgs Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2008
    Denver, CO
    Big Daddy, Jash...

    Heh - I talked to a bunch of truckers at a couple truck stops around Denver, then a few I saw lounging at a couple terminals - before I even applied to school. I have an idea what I want (flatbedding. Ok, I'm deranged).

    Yeah, I know - experience is a killer. I'm not even on the totem pole yet, much less bottom man. I'm just a little ... ancy, I guess is the word. Still not heard back from that local company.

    On the other hand, I HAVE heard back from my initial company of choice. They're scheduling me a local physical (I still say that's a good idea), and after that, I head off to orientation.

    I'm not at all interested in OTR, but realize I'll have to do some form of it (in this case, probably Western 11) for a while before a happier truck opens up. Or I change companies... Talking to their truckers (all two that I've found stopped) it seems the company and I might be good fits - but only time will tell for sure.

    So far, I agree with their known policies (well, mostly - those I don't agree with are related to orientation and the like - short term. I'm sure there will be other issues, but I'll burn that bridge when I come to it.
  6. BigDaddyJollyRob

    BigDaddyJollyRob <strong>"El Oso"</strong>

    Nov 10, 2007
    Best of Luck,keep us posted:biggrin_25520:
  7. Big Don

    Big Don "Old Fart"

    Sep 8, 2007
    Utah's DIXIE!
    The hours will more than likely be Five or Six AM until Six or Seven PM. Up until you have reached your weekly limit. They can get away with this as you are not considered to be driving all the time that you are on duty.

    One outfit that I used to work for would make you phony up a "log" if you worked over 12 hours in any one day. But they wanted you to do it at the end of your work week. Like you can even remember on Friday or Saturday just what you did on Monday?
    Yeah, sometimes you just "gotta do what you gotta do" to build up the experience. But from what I've seen of aggregate operations, I think I'd rather get a root canal every day, than work for one.:biggrin_25510:
  8. Lurchgs

    Lurchgs Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2008
    Denver, CO
    Yeah -

    To really make me nervous, the driver who contacted me in the first place called today, to see if I was still interested. Being short on peanut butter, I said yes.

    He was gonna call the boss, who was supposed to call me right back.

    Its been.. um.. 6 hours now. I'm somehow underwhelmed.

    I think I'll bust chops for that tank job. 3-12 every day (with, I imagine, a bunch of slop built in, so probably more like 3-2 every day). You pick which 3-12 (well, as jr dood in a slip-seat, I can ASK, but it's the sr driver's choice). 5 days a week.

    And, which really turns me on, it's all mountain driving. Oh YEAH! ( I didn't tell them this on the phone, but I'd darn near pay THEM to let me drive in the mountains!)
  9. BigDaddyJollyRob

    BigDaddyJollyRob <strong>"El Oso"</strong>

    Nov 10, 2007
    Big Don, can you elaborate on "But from what I've seen of aggregate operations, I think I'd rather get a root canal every day, than work for one."
    Whats up with them? Thanks
  10. jash369

    jash369 Medium Load Member

    Dec 4, 2007
    I haven't played since I've been driving missin the game. Been playing for 17 years. Been fixing my minimag when had time got it working good. My A5 is ready to go tooo. Played at arkenstone in acworth a month before they closed it. I liked that field. I mostly played upper east coast NY,PA,NJ,MD,DE,VA before I moved to GA. I live out by wildfire paintball indoor field near stone mountain/snellville.

    I am going to start bringing my gear on the truck just in case get stuck/layedover near any field on the road.:biggrin_2559:

    Who do you work for?
  11. jash369

    jash369 Medium Load Member

    Dec 4, 2007
    Thei is nothing wrong with flatbedding if that is what you want to do.
    It is about what is making you happy.
    Good luck, stay at it don't give up get in somewhere to get your experience then you can call your own shots.:biggrin_25525:
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